CMP said:
...and now, Mitja, I want that to happen. It'd definitely add an additional layer of complexity to the game. Might take some getting used to, a bit of relearning, but it could shake things up nicely and could be a possible answer to the question posed in this thread. Go work for Gamefreak.
I think it'd be fun to get a few of us together and make the 10x10% classification for every Pokémon.
Heh, I wish xD
I'd have a bunch of suggestion that I've overanalyzed for the lolz.
The only downside I've noticed on the type-bar mechanic so far is that pokemon with more types in general lean towards less serious weaknesses, meaning something with just 2 colors in their type gets those 2x weaknesses much easier, than something where all 4 colors need to have a shared weakenss for that to happen.
Not sure if that's really a downside though, because it's not even remotely as severe as current pokemon that are unfortunate to have quad weaknesses, AND the simpler type bars would get much bigger STAB as a compensation in my system.
Typhlosion (Fire/Normal-8:2) =
1.8x Fire STAB , 1.2x Normal STAB
Infernape (Fire/Fighting/Dark-5:4:1) = 1.5x Fire STAB, 1.4x Fighting STAB, 1.1x Dark STAB
Oh and immunities should probably nulify the damage altogether...unless the ground-targeted moves+airborne mechanic were added too lol.
I figure resistances play too small of a role with the formula I've used in the earlier post.
Because, take Venusaur for example (Grass/Poison-6:4).
Its more prominent type, Grass gives it a resistance to a type to which it's less prominent type, Poison, is weak to: Ground.
So you'd expect the damage from Ground moves to be less than regular damage.
so perhaps abandoning multiplication altogether is the way to go.
My fix is:
each 10% of a type weakness adds +10% of damage (and resistance reduces by 10%), rather than doubling (and halving) it's part.
Venusaur attacked by a Ground move:
100% - 6x10%+ 4x10%= 80%
attacked by a Fire move (a big weakness)
100% +6x10% = 160%
attacked by Psychic (a smaller weakness)
100% +4x10% = 140%
attacked by Electric (bigger resistance)
100% -6x10% = 40%
attacked by Fighting (smaller resistance)
100% - 4x10% = 60%
fair enough.
This gives rise to a new form of situational immunity however, as any type being resisted by the whole type-bar does 0% damage.
Then it hit me.. if immunities were replaced by mere resistances..a pure Normal type would for example still have a Ghost immunity due to this system.
Immunities might be unnecessary in the type chart altogether, being reserved for abilities.
Let's do Flygon again. (which is still 40% Ground 30% Dragon 20% Bug 10% Flying)
Ice: 180% (strong against all but the 20% Bug)
Dragon, Fairy: 130% (just +30% for it's Dragon type)
Flying: 120% (+20% for it's Bug part)
Water: 110% (+40% for Ground, -30% due to Dragon)
Normal, Psychic, Dark, Ghost, Steel: 100% (no match-ups)
Fire: 90% (-30% due to Dragon, +20% due to Bug)
Rock: 90% (-40% due to Ground, +20% for Bug, +10% for Flying)
Bug: 90% (-10% due to Flying)
Ground: 90% (-10% due to Flying)
Grass: 80% (+40% for Ground, -30% due to Dragon, -20% due to Bug, -10% due to Flying)
Fighting: 70% (-20% due to Bug, -10% due to Flying)
Poison: 60% (-40% due to Ground)
Electric: 60% (-40% due to Ground)
As you can see, Flygon has a unique range of type modifiers.
Something simpler for comparison again.
Garchomp (60% Dragon, 40% Ground)
Ice: 200% (strong against both parts)
Dragon, Fairy: 160% (+60% for it's Dragon type)
Normal, Bug, Flying, Fighting, Psychic, Dark, Ghost, Steel: 100% (no match-ups)
Water: 80% (+40% for Ground, -60% due to Dragon)
Grass: 80% (+40% for Ground, -60% due to Dragon)
Rock: 60% (-40% due to Ground)
Electric: 60% (due to Ground)
Poison: 60% (-40% due to Ground)
Fire: 40% (-60% due to Dragon)
and even closer to a pure type
Arcanine (80% Fire, 20% Normal)
Water, Rock, Ground: 180%
Fighting: 120%
Normal: 100%
Bug, Fairy, Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel: 20%
Ghost: 80%
due to the new way immunities emerge from pure types out of any resistance, absolutely pure types would have to be limited to Normal (as all other types that aren't called Ice have several resistances which would turn into immunities), as that only grants them Ghost immunity like it already did before.