Hello, its me, Jeff, from the Serebii forums!
I am going to start a shop here, but i need a Banner/Header!
Could you please make this?
Picture~ http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/5/55/212Scizor.png
Background~ http://wallpapers.androlib.com/wallicons/wallpaper.big-xm.cs.png
Border (Optional)~ No, thank you!
Quote~ Scizor`s
......Hyper Cut Shop (Without the dots, of course)
Style/Colors~ Red style, and could you please add a red Aura around the scizor?
Could you also show me some text types to choose from?
P.S Could you also make a Closed and a Open button? Same style and background, and with this sprite: http://www.dragonflycave.com/dpsprites/212scizor.png
Surprise me!
Thanks in advance!