Art Of the Week! 3/28~ 4/3 Crystal Hikara wins! Congratz!!

Who's art did you find most appealing/visually amusing?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Art of the Week!

Art of the week is a weekly art competition. You can read about the rest of the rules, regulations, and procedures, of this competition here.

This weeks theme is....

SPRING! Make your art Bright, Vibrant, and Serene. It can be about anything, but if you want a bonus vote, you'll want to make it remind us of spring! This can be anything from flowers to something as simple as spring colors.

Entries ~ We are aiming to have 8-10 Competitors. Please sign up ^_^

1 Crystal Hikara
2 DragonpokemonPWN
3 Gliscor
4 Lordy Jones
5 IX
6 Light Venasaur

DPP's Entry:

Light Venasaur's Entry:

Gliscor's Entry:

Lordy Jones' Entry:

Crystal Hikara's Entry:
RE: Art Of the Week! 3/28~ 4/3

I'd like a minute to argue against one of the rules in place, as an artist, before I sign up.

A week is not very long at all to prepare a piece. In order for me, personally, to get even one piece done, I have to spend a consistant 8-14 hours on it, sometimes more. Art should not be rushed, and even given the fact that we could have the ability to do smaller pieces, there is still the issue of possible lack of computer time for some of us due to school, work or other obligations.

While I respect the rules, I think that given the whole 're-using art' rule is not only difficult to enforce, but also can prohibit fellow members from joining because of a lack of time. (March/April is a busy time for a lot of people, being borderline fourth quarter and the mid/end-point in a semester and all.) Also on those lines, older works can be viewed as being worse off than some more current pieces, thus not winning the competition if they make that choice.

Those are my views on it, at any rate. I may have sooooome time to participate, but I'm not so sure yet. So I guess sign me up and we'll see how it goes.
RE: Art Of the Week! 3/28~ 4/3

I kinda liked the monthly banner contest, it would provide time for people who don't just put renders into siggies to compete.
RE: Art Of the Week! 3/28~ 4/3

Sign me up. One question though. Can we enter multiple banners? I know that we can't take back anything, but I don't think that still counts as submitting multiple banners, does it?
RE: Art Of the Week! 3/28~ 4/3

Thank you for all of your input. All of your points are being considered. I didn't intend for this to be a very.... In depth tournament. Just a fun weekly thing for artists in the community to show their skills and stay active with art. Obviously, many of us want to go above and beyond this margine. I have two ideas. The first one, is that in addition to AotW, we have a monthly contest. This may get confusing, but it solves the main issue. The other idea is to make it two weeks long rather than a single week. Please share your thoughts on these ideas, and feel free to propose your own. Also, to make sure this runs smoothly, this weeks tournament will be one week, and follow all rules already made. Next week will be when any new rules are enforced

Gliscor: Only one entry will be representing you in the voting. Therefor, we will only be accepting one entry per participant. Sorry.
RE: Art Of the Week! 3/28~ 4/3

I'd like to suggest that the stickied thread remain open, so people can direct discussions pertaining to the rules of this competition there instead. Mixing submissions and policy reviews together in a single thread is just sorta messy.

"No using previously made work." This rule should, I think, be abolished entirely because it runs into a multitude of problems. Most notably you have no way of enforcing it, as you're taking the artist's word that they completed the art in the legal timeframe and didn't draw it beforehand. Plus, if banners are allowed, then renders and such surely qualify under previously made work.

The timeframe is something of an issue. If it is too long, the competition will stagnate and die out. Too short and artists simply don't have time to complete anything. I'd like to make yet another suggestion here as to how you structure your timetable, something along the lines of:

Week 1: Art1 submission period
Week 2: Art1 voting period, criteria for Art2 announced
Week 3: Art2 submission period
Week 4: Art2 voting period, criteria for Art3 announced
Week 5: Art3 submission period
Week 6: Art3 voting period, criteria for Art4 announced

etc etc etc, I'm sure you can see the pattern. This allows artists to have 2 weeks to complete their entry, while at the same time not slowing things down.
RE: Art Of the Week! 3/28~ 4/3

That sounds pretty good. We'll most likely switch to a two week system after this one. Also, from now on, please discuss all rules comments and concerns on the sticky.

Thanks for your input guys. The rules and regulations will be updated next competition.
RE: Art Of the Week! 3/28~ 4/3

Yes you may. Just so this is half decent, I'll join if we do dot get 8 contestants. Next week will be the start of the 2 week competitions.
RE: Art Of the Week! 3/28~ 4/3

Is each round 2 weeks? I guess my question is how often will I be needing to scan things, because every other week I switch off to my dad's house, where there is no internet/ scanner

EDIT: nvm, I figured it out, I'll make it work somehow. Is there any way I could PM you while 1 round is happening for the next round so I can do both in a week?

ANOTHER EDIT: (Aren't I good at this?) when can we start posting our entries?
RE: Art Of the Week! 3/28~ 4/3

I'll join....but only when it comes to banner making.
RE: Art Of the Week! 3/28~ 4/3

Updated. Lordy, you may post now if you'd like.
RE: Art Of the Week! 3/28~ 4/3

nice, I'll get to drawing then.

I'll edit this post with the finished art. (unless the thread advances too much)
RE: Art Of the Week! 3/28~ 4/3

Does the winner pick the next week's theme? =D There has to be a panda theme somewhere in these competitions.
RE: Art Of the Week! 3/28~ 4/3

I'll do that starting next time. I'd have to approve of it though, as it has to be fairly generic. Just to make it clear, the winner of this one will not pick it, but from next tourney-on, they will. KTHX

RE: Art Of the Week! 3/28~ 4/3

Thank you, DPP. I'll add it to the front. Remember, Entries are due tomorrow at 11:59 PM Standard Eastern time -5:00