Art of the Week!
Art of the week is a weekly art competition. You can read about the rest of the rules, regulations, and procedures, of this competition here.
This weeks theme is....
SPRING! Make your art Bright, Vibrant, and Serene. It can be about anything, but if you want a bonus vote, you'll want to make it remind us of spring! This can be anything from flowers to something as simple as spring colors.
Entries ~ We are aiming to have 8-10 Competitors. Please sign up ^_^
1 Crystal Hikara
2 DragonpokemonPWN
3 Gliscor
4 Lordy Jones
5 IX
6 Light Venasaur
DPP's Entry:
Light Venasaur's Entry:
Gliscor's Entry:
Lordy Jones' Entry:
Crystal Hikara's Entry: