ash: May, Misty, or Dawn?

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mew mix mewtwo clock!
Hello again, pokebeach. As my first poll, I ask this question:   Who do you think Ash likes (more than a friend) the most; ; May, Misty, or Dawn? Please post a reason, and just for kicks, You can answer the question vice versa. I personaly think he likes Dawn the most. Although they get in some fights(Whether that guy in the episode"Dawn of a new era" Should be in contests or gym battles), they help each other in others(Dawn being Ash's Cheerleader in "o'er the Rampardos we watched")
I also say Misty because Ash has been with her longer then May or Dawn. So if you asking who is maybe a better friend? Then I would say Misty.:)
I won't comment...
Ash likes none. I am not, and will never be, a shipper.
Also, I believe this goes in Anime discussion.
I think its Misty, Ash ssays that he thinks about her every day in the movie "Jirachi, Wish Maker" And this does belong in the Anime descussion.
First of all I dont think Ash likes any of them but Misty does likes Ash. Because I think I remember back in the days when Ash, Misty, and Tracey were in the Orange Islands. There were this guy who challenge Ash in some sorta race or something. That guy likes Misty but Misty doesnt likes him instead she was cheering for Ash here even that guy knows that she likes Ash.
In the movie wishmaker Ash missed Misty cause he never met her in a while he'll miss brock too if he werent around cause he alwasy seem to be back on every time they seperate.
Also Mist's Song I think is dedicated to their journey but mostly with Ash.

I dont think so about May because I think her and Drew.

Not sure about Dawn though there werent any relationship between those two.

Just mentioning!
There is some many repeats in pokemon first Brock always returns, second the new character is always a girls, third their bikes is always ruined or destroyed in the begining, ash always seem to get a grass starter by catching it bulbasaur in the secret garden, chikarita in some kind a grass dome, treeko in the woods (i think cant remember) and turtwig just now.

I never see pikachu's pokeball ever only in the first episode (what kind of pokeball is pikachu's it has a electric mark on it?
Your right, Ash DID say that he thinks about Misty every day. But, we don't know if he's talking about liking her more than a friend or as a friend. I 100% know that Misty likes Ash more than a friend, but May does too. Misty left Hoenn because she thought that Ash liked May more. How this love story will end, no one knows.
I always thought Ash liked Misty the most but I haven't seen the D/P episodes yet so I can't say. Between Misty and May, i think Misty because Ash looked totally infatuated when he saw Misty in a episode. I haven't seen Ash blush that much since, well, ever..
ok here is what i think ash likes nobody, and you do know that ash is like 30 years old and dawn is ten, misty was only with him because he ruined her bike and he was supos to get her a new one and, may she is only well in her teens. But hey that is what i think.
Ash is only 13 actually.
But he's as mature as a 3 year old. 0_o
Let's go back to the Battle Frontier for a moment.
Ash meets girl (Saloon Maiden Anabel)
Ash talks to girl
Ash saves girl
Ash goes to girl's house
Ash finds out the girl is a girl -_-
Girl tries to make ash see she likes him
Ash doesn't get it -_-
This also repeats alot, mostly when the gang runs into pokemon that like each other. Ash is clueless to love.
Plus he's a lame brain. Back to episode where ash meets scott
Ash: Pikachu, use Quick Attack on Gengar
*Pikachu's attack doesn't work*
Ash: Huh
Ash: Oh, I forgot -_- -_-
Lets just go read Ash's Diary, and find out who his HoneyPoo is
(Its possible he likes Brock, or possibly Pikachu, or maybe hes cheating on Bulbasaur)
but i vote Misty, for obvious reasons

It is Misty for sure because when Misty was with Ash in some of the episodes a few people thought she was his girlfriend and also in one of the movies some thought that too.:)
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