ash: May, Misty, or Dawn?

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He does not want to mary her. It was funny to to watch some of the people on the show think that though.:)
dawn cuz ash and misty always fight and may is a mean cold heated girl to her brother ,max
Honestly i say Misty cause she was always there for him and always was at his house when he came home so i actually think that she will be with Ash soon.
I think it's Misty 'cuz after Brock left for a while(to Prof. Ivy) in the second season, there was an episode were they were caught by Team Rocket and they were wondering were Brock was and they assumed that Misty and Ash ditched Brock and beacme a love-love couple!(I love this part) And Ash and Misty were blushing...

So, Misty is the one for Ash.
Misty because they had this whole thing in the Johto and Kanto Saga! And when she left Ash got all sad and they smiled at each other and blushed!
I think Misty because there is no sign of May or Dawn having a crush on Ash but Misty it shows alotta signs. If you watched Pokemon 2000 you'll get what I mean. Also, in episodes where a girls flirts with Ash, Misty gets mad and fights with them
Dawn. Why ?

Misty is like Ash, stubborn, but they never said to each other their feelings
May secretly likes Drew, we ALL know that
Dawn has no one execpt Ash and Brock's too OLD to be travling with kids about 10 years younger than HIM !
There was a thread which explaned why ash and may liked each other cus of movie 9. I liked the old misty, the inpatient and spoiled one but when she came back in AC she changed :(
Master of the six kings said:
Ash is only 13 actually.
But he's as mature as a 3 year old. 0_o
Let's go back to the Battle Frontier for a moment.
Ash meets girl (Saloon Maiden Anabel)
Ash talks to girl
Ash saves girl
Ash goes to girl's house
Ash finds out the girl is a girl -_-
Girl tries to make ash see she likes him
Ash doesn't get it -_-
This also repeats alot, mostly when the gang runs into pokemon that like each other. Ash is clueless to love.
Plus he's a lame brain. Back to episode where ash meets scott
Ash: Pikachu, use Quick Attack on Gengar
*Pikachu's attack doesn't work*
Ash: Huh
Ash: Oh, I forgot -_- -_-
i agree. ash is a lame brain
Charizard seismic toss on dusclops.
*fighting attack doesn't effect ghost types*
Oh no I forgot.
Charzard gets koed.
How old is Paul anyway because he does not act his age well?:)
Huh ? What ? We're NOT talking about Paul ! This topic is about Misty, May and Dawn and who's the best fit for Ash. That's not what we're talking about. On my post about Dawn, hey I made an fan-fic about them, so it just add more to my point about Dawn's the best fit for Ash. But Ash's and love don't mix. You could alomost say he's immune to love. That's why May, who secretly liked Ash but Ash didn't have the same feelings, chose Drew and Misty kept her own reasons to herself and Ash still never even realized that all the girls secretly likes him !
I never liked Misty, it's not going to be her. If they had a movie on what everyone's lives would be 10 years after the series ended, Misty would not end up marrying Ash
Okay, i have tallied up all of the votes so far, and heres the rundown.

may:2 OMG so low
dawn:3 Better, but not good enough
misty:21! obvious there going to kiss next time they meet.
no one 7 What The Heck! dosent anyone think outside the box?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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