Ash's 2nd best Pokemon?

What is Ash's second best Pokemon?

  • Pikachu

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Snorlax

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • Muk

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sceptile

    Votes: 19 61.3%
  • Glalie

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • Lapras

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Heracross

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kingler

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Donphan

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Swellow

    Votes: 2 6.5%

  • Total voters


~I see a little silhouetto of a man~
What is Ash's second best Pokemon? We all know the best is Charzard. Please vote.
Yeah, Sceptile's got to be his second best. It's awesome that he learns Solarbeam too.
I'm pretty confused...pikachu is ash's best...I mean, it beat how many elite pokes??? Zard is #2...I would vote for him, but hes not up there for some reason...
Papi/Manny said:
I'm pretty confused...pikachu is ash's best...I mean, it beat how many elite pokes??? Zard is #2...I would vote for him, but hes not up there for some reason...

Pikachu is his favorite but his strongest is Charizard.
I think charizard is the strongest. Its in constant training in charific-valley..isn't it? Whereas pikachu, though quite strong, is not fully evolved(not that that matters) and is definitely weaker than zard. I believe Ash thinks so too. See, he called upon zard to fight Articuno, he didn't rely on pikachu.But both had major-type advantage against, why call zard if he did not think he was stronger?
To me, snorlax is the 2nd strongest. He, though a normal type fought Medicham(of Greta) and won.
It's like this.
1: Pikachu
2: Charizard
3: Bulbasaur
4: Sceptile
5: Bayleaf
6: Squirtle
7: Pidgeot
8: Lapras
9: Tauros (he's got 30 of them)
10: Donphan
11: Aipom
12: Swellow
13: Corphish
14: Glalie
15: Torkoal
16: Totodile
17: Kingler
18: Cyndaquil
19: Shiny Noctowl
20: Heracross
21: Snorlax
22: Muk
23: Larvitar
24: Butterfree
25: Raticate
26: Beedrill
27: Primeape
28: Haunter
29: Mukkuru
30: Naetoru
I'd like to thank SPP for this info.
here's my list IMO:

#1: Charizard,its a freakin Dragon!!!!!
#2: Sceptile,know Solarbeam FTW!!!!!
#3: Snorlax, Hyper Beam iz awsome!!
#4: Pikachu, Thunder & TR iz blasting of again!!!!!
#5: Glalie, Ice Beam & ur a popsicle!!!!
#6: Pidgeot, Gust, & ur gone,way gone!!!!!
#7: Tauros, Take Down & Fissure!!!! (30)
#8: Lapras, Cute but deadly with Ice beam!!!
#9: Donphan, strong rollin' elephant thing!!!!!
#10: Bayleef, Vine Whip u down to size!!!

the top 10....
There is a problem with that.....Charizard is a Fire/Flying type, not Dragon... :)
What are you people talking about..lapras is not in the team anymore and so is not pidgeot.
Definately Sceptile. It may have only evolve and had a few episodes, but it took down Claydol and a swift shiftry quickly. Not to mention it has excellent speed and great power. Solarbeam makes up for any flaws.
Well I agree that Charizard maybe his most powrfull poke, but its almost a Tie with Pikachu (no im not a Pikachu fan), you see those two have been the only 2 normal pokes that have beaten legendaries. Char defeated Articuno, and Pikachu defeated Regice. Making them Ash most powerfull pokes, Since the series is so unconsistent with the game you dont have to be Stage 2 poke to be strong, may I remind that Bulba and Squirtle defeated Donphan and Machamp in the movie, and that Pikachu took down Venomoth, Pinsir and GOLEM with one blow!!! See no consistensy. In the game, that could not posibly happen.
I say pikachu because his charizard is one of his best pokemon.:)
meh I think Glalie is his best, hes been doing it all day training Ice Beam. Ash's been going,"Snorunt, Ice Beam!""Snorunt, Ice Beam!""Snorunt, Ice Beam!""Snorunt, Ice Beam!""Snorunt, Ice Beam!""Snorunt, Ice Beam!""Snorunt, Ice Beam!""Snorunt, Ice Beam!""Snorunt, Ice Beam!""Snorunt, Ice Beam!""Snorunt, Ice Beam!""Snorunt, Ice Beam!""Snorunt, Ice Beam!""Snorunt, Ice Beam!" every episode.

Oh and Pidgeot is his second best
Swellow has barely lost battles even with eletric types, and doesnt give up so easily as the other pokemon =p
I think Ash's Best of all Time is Charizard.
His best now is Sceptile.
HIs best Pokemon achievement is a Shiny Noctowl.
His team should be:

- Charizard
- Swellow
- Sceptile
- Snorlax
- Donphan
- Heracross

Imagine how little he'd lose. Then again, his Heracross is a weakling, so it could be replaced by Muk or Tauros or Kingler.