Pokemon ash's dad


So I heard you like muDkiPz!
does anyone know a thing about ash's dad? really, anything at all? he is a complete mystery. hey i wrote this on my wii's internet cool or what.
WoooW do you wanna reward or somethin'. BTT: I don't know anythin' about his dad(interested myself).


p.s. next time when you will make a thread... try to stick to topic and talk about your wii's internet.PLEASE
Hey! I truly did not realize that.... maybe his dad works like everyday or something.... or maybe he is Professor Birch!! Eeek!! Anyways... I don't have a clue.
It took him 4 days to reach Vermilion City, and he was a good trainer :p

Well, that's about all we know, just wait for a serious plot change where he miraculously appears, possibly as a good trainer or gym leader.
Yeah it could be Giovanni.
It's just like Darth Vader was Luke Skywalker's father.(this might be off topic)
Face it, the anime people did not think ash needed a dad and so he isn't a character. if he becomes relevant to the story, they will bring him in. I heard a rumer that he died when ash was small.