Ash's final pokemon.

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Silver said:
Why is everyone so down on Gligar? Everyone is saying he'll get Oaked. I see Staravi getting Oak because he barely uses it now.

Im not, im just trying to be real about the situation. Im torn between the two but if Staravia is Oaked, which is fine IMO, they need to evolve it first. But I would rather Ash keep all of his pokemon that he has right now but im j ust not sure if that will happen.
I dont think Staravia is going to get oaked, he has never had the bird get oaked. Unless he evolves it and has to let it go like he did with pidgeot.
maybe ash will do another Pidgeot thing with staravia(evolved to staraptor). that will empty one slot and make ash free to get another pokemon.(if he releases staraptor i'll stop watching the anime &( )

anyway, did u see the size of that hippodown!? now i wish ash would have caught one!
So as the Gligar were flying off that one came back to Ash? Weird but whatever he still caught it. And to all those who doubted be I say HAHA.
dont laugh Silver! honestly, did you too not believe that Ash will never catch a gligar? I know u r a fan of gligar and all but u also were as much shocked at the catch, were not u?
I'm not much of a Gligar fan :/ It jsut kinda fit Ash and I didn't expect him to cathc Gligar this episode. I thought there would end up an episode alot later when he would catch it.
i looked at serebii and then saw theres an upcoming hippopotas episode so i thought he would catch hippopotas.but i was wrong he caught a gligar...A GLIGAR!

~Silver Plays Tragic Music~

At this time next week I will be at an entirly different Country and will be unable to be online for two weeks. Hopefully one of the people that are there every year at the same time as us brought his Laptop and I will be able to check in now and then. But currently as far as I know I wib't be able to contact you.
Not necesarily...he's probably going to pull a Pigeot on Staravia because he's just that stupid :/
There's no problem with Gligar, but it don't fits because Paul has a Gliscor... I hope he is going to get a Dragon or Dark-type, because he never has owned one...
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