Assistance with Slowbro


Eat the cake!
First off. I do not know how to link people to a Pokebeach scan since It'll just link you to that set. So I apologize for using another scan and would appreciate someone explaining how to link to Pokebeach scans.
Alrighty then. I was snooping around Pokemon and found that HGSS Slowbro could be a mighty attacker with attack #2. If you fill in the energy req. with {P} energy, then you are already hitting 90. But it seems slow. any advice is welcome!
Gardevoir PL has a similar, yet easier setup-able attack. Slowbro might be a tech against donphan and charizard etc in a Gardevoir/ Slowking deck(disruption?/Giratina-tech?...). Just an idea, never tried it since Gardevoir Lv.x was rotated.
For Slowbro to hit for reasonable damage it needs at least 2 {P} energy attached to it mean it will take 3 turns to hit for 70 damage which is pretty slow by today's standards. Of course you could attach a DCE and {P} energy to just hit for 50 consistently, but overall, it's not great. If you want to try it then

4-3 Slowbro HGSS
/-1 Slowking HGSS
3 Spiritomb AR
1 Unown Q

I don't know what else you could pair Slowbro with to support it.

Though as OneHitWonder has already stated, Gardevoir PL would be the better choice as it has more-or-less the same attack as Slowbro except it has more HP, a smaller retreat cost, a nice secondary attack and a useful power
-1 Aaron's Collection (?, maybe for energy, but don't forget Flower Shop Lady)
-3 Bubble Coat (Isn't worth it)

+2-2 Scizor Prime (Yay!!!)

'Nuff said. Nice list. I may rethink my 1-1 Floatzel GL Lv.X in my list, doesn't seem worth it, on the other hand, Scizor prime sounds great.
It's not really competitive. Even if you do get the nut and swing with 3 P, you're still doing 90 damage, which is definitely good, but not uberamazing for three. Not to mention you have 90 HP and a Luxray weakness.