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Atmo's list! Looking for Garchomp X and Unleashed!

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RE: Atmo's trade list

Alright, I don't have Machamp SF anymore, sorry. I hadn't edited the list when I traded it.

How about Glalie, Manectric, and Ninetales MT, Jolteon MD, and Beedrill GE for them?
RE: Atmo's trade list

Crud I just realied I traded my Omastar already. What can you remove from the list since I cant do Omastar? sorry >_<
RE: Atmo's trade list

i want the entei. please check my trade thresd. I have shining kabutops if you want it.
RE: Atmo's trade list

updated with oldies!

Now that my Neo cards are being phased out for my DP series cards, many can now be traded. the new cards are:

Ursaring (Neo Discovery. Non-Holo. 1st Edition)
Unown A (Neo Discovery. Holo and a first edition non-holo)
Forretress (Neo Discovery. Non-holo)
Houndoom (Neo discovery. First Edition. non-holo)
Houndour (Neo Discovery. fire type. non holo)
sudowoodo (Neo Revelation. First Edition)
Donphan (Neo Genesis. First Edition)
Steelix (Neo Genesis)
RE: Looking for Kabutops EX, Shining Kabutops, and many more!! (Atmo's list)

Any secret rares?
RE: Looking for Kabutops EX, Shining Kabutops, and many more!! (Atmo's list)

Sorry, I don't need the Electivire Lv. X. :<
Do you have or can you get any of these perhaps, I would probably give Garchomp Lv. X for one of them:
Uxie Lv. X
Leafeon Lv. X
Machamp Lv. X
Dusknoir Lv. X
Shaymin Lv. X (IFDS)

LMK. :)
RE: Looking for Kabutops EX, Shining Kabutops, and many more!! (Atmo's list)

I have uxie
RE: Looking for Kabutops EX, Shining Kabutops, and many more!! (Atmo's list)

juliacoolio, i dont have any secret rares. and I don't need Uxie. What you see is what I currently have I'm afraid. But you might want to keep your eyes open for a First Edition Neo Genesis Meganium going up for grabs as soon as I can get a DP series one to replace it ;)

Yata, I only have what I listed. And I doubt I'll ever have anything from IFDS as I collect only English cards. I'd love to be able to pull any of those Lv Xs from packs, but I have terrible luck with packs. Plus the odds are just so slim. :(
RE: Looking for Kabutops EX, Shining Kabutops, and many more!! (Atmo's list)

Stormfront haves upated:

RE: Looking for Kabutops EX, Shining Kabutops, and many more!! (Atmo's list)

Please cml for
Cresselia lv. X
Uxie lv. X

I have a kabutop ex from sand storm
RE: Looking for Kabutops EX, Shining Kabutops, and many more!! (Atmo's list)

How many of my cards would be drained from me to gt a hold of that Cressilia X in all honesty? lol. I'm probably gonna delete most of the Lv X wants for now.

However that Kabutops Ex You hve interests me. what can I give you for it? :D
RE: Looking for Kabutops EX, Shining Kabutops, and many more!! (Atmo's list)

the question is what else can i add to get the cressy. X . that's what i want right now
RE: Looking for Kabutops EX, Shining Kabutops, and many more!! (Atmo's list)

...I dont HAVE a cressy Lv X.... where did you see that I did? I never put one on my haves list....
RE: Looking for Kabutops EX, Shining Kabutops, and many more!! (Atmo's list)

CML and read my pm!

I have most of your LA rres that you want, what will you offer for them?

*correction* rares
RE: Looking for Kabutops EX, Shining Kabutops, and many more!! (Atmo's list)

Look at my haves and decide from those. That's everything I can offer you. Lots of neo stuff and older at the bottom of the list!
RE: Looking for Kabutops EX, Shining Kabutops, and many more!! (Atmo's list)

Do you have ANY lv.x?

Neo entei?

RE: Looking for Kabutops EX, Shining Kabutops, and many more!! (Atmo's list)

You told me you no longer needed that entei....
RE: Looking for Kabutops EX, Shining Kabutops, and many more!! (Atmo's list)

before my cards were stolen. Now, all i have is old lv.x, old ex, thousands of dp rares/uncommons/commons, and a roomful of cards before DP. So I'm desprate!
RE: Looking for Kabutops EX, Shining Kabutops, and many more!! (Atmo's list)

so how about uxie X
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