Can you tell me where the picture of these cards is? I cant find them lol
I saw them on Google images recently, and I think they will be revealed soon here on Pokebeach.
Can you tell me where the picture of these cards is? I cant find them lol
ThanksI saw them on Google images recently, and I think they will be revealed soon here on Pokebeach.
Charizard and Gardevoir theme decks in SM4?I see a pattern so far.
SM1 - Solgaleo and Lunala GX
SM2 Theme decks - Solgaleo and Lunala
SM2 - Lycanroc and Alolan Ninetales GX
SM3 Theme decks - Lycanroc and Alolan Ninetales GX
Do you think this pattern will continue?
SM4 hopefullyWho here was/is hoping for a Double Dragon Energy reprint/Secret Rare?
I see a pattern so far.
SM1 - Solgaleo and Lunala GX
SM2 Theme decks - Solgaleo and Lunala
SM2 - Lycanroc and Alolan Ninetales GX
SM3 Theme decks - Lycanroc and Alolan Ninetales GX
Do you think this pattern will continue?
I used to always forget Primal Clash xD
Yeah, Primal Clash was a great set! I always loved it as well, but I liked to confuse it with other sets lol. Ancient Origins is probably my favorite though, mostly because of Vespiquen but I still think it's a great set.As a collector I loved Primal Clash! There were so many cool EXs and supporter cards. That set, Ancient Origins, and Evolutions were my favorite to collect.
Yeah, Primal Clash was a great set! I always loved it as well, but I liked to confuse it with other sets lol. Ancient Origins is probably my favorite though, mostly because of Vespiquen but I still think it's a great set.
Wow, fullart Hoopa is cool! I think I've almost gotten all of BREAKpoint, I have multiples of almost every card from it. If not BREAKpoint, Fates Collide. I have soooo many cards from it. I have like 20 Carbinks for example lol.I've lost too many times to Vespiqueen (although not recently because I haven't really seen that deck anymore). It's interesting we're talking about Ancient Origins because I recently made a trade and got the FA Hoopa. I'm so close to completing that set.
Wow, fullart Hoopa is cool! I think I've almost gotten all of BREAKpoint, I have multiples of almost every card from it. If not BREAKpoint, Fates Collide. I have soooo many cards from it. I have like 20 Carbinks for example lol.
Yeah I've seen that before and thought about doing it. I have precisely no use for 20 Carbinks lolIf you don't mind giving up those extras, you can sell them as bulk to different places and then use that credit to buy new products. That's what I do with all the extra cards I get.
I was trying to put together an english set list, but I need some help!
- Caterpie
- Metapod
- Butterfree
- Tangela
- Tangrowth
- Ledyba
- Ledian
- Heracross
- Pansage
- Simisage
- Wimpod
- Gollisopod GX
- Dewpider
- Araquanid
- Tapu Bulu
- Charmander (promo)
- Charmander
- Charmeleon
- Charizard GX
- Ho-Oh GX
- Pansear
- Simisear
- Heatmor
- Sandalit (promo)
- Salazzle GX
- Alolan Vulpix (promo)
- Alolan Ninetales
- Horsea
- Seadra
- Kingdra
- Magikarp
- Gyarados
- Marill
- Azumarril
- Panpour
- Simipour
- Bruxish
- Tapu Fini GX
- Pikachu
- Raichu
- Electabuzz
- Electivire
- Tynamo
- Eelektrik
- Elektross
- Tapu Koko
- Wobbuffet
- Seviper
- Duskull
- Dusclops
- Dusknoir
- Venipede
- Whirlipede
- Scolipede
- Croagunk
- Toxicroak
- Espurr
- Meowstic
- Samdygast
- Pallosand
- Necrozma GX
- Machamp GX
- Rhyhorn
- Rhydon
- Rhyperior
- Solrock
- Lunatone
- Riolu
- Lucario
- Rockruff
- Lycanroc
- Crabrawler
- Crabominable
- Sawk
- Mudbray
- Mudsdale
- Marshadow GX
- Rattata
- Raticate
- Grimer
- Muk GX
- Sneasel
- Weavile
- Darkrai
- Darkrai GX
- Inkay
- Malamar
- Ralts
- Kirlia
- Gardevoir GX
- Diancie
- Cutiefly
- Ribombee
- Morelull
- Shiinotic
- Zygarde
- Noivern GX
- Meowth
- Persian
- Porygon
- Porygon 2
- Porygon Z
- Hoothoot
- Noctowl
- Bouffalant
- Noibat
- Stuffull
- Bewear
- Acerola
- Escape Rope
- Guzma
- Kiawe
- Lana (promo)
- Mount Lanakila
- Muscle Dumbbells
- Olivia
- Plumeria
- Po Town
- Rotom Dex - Poke Finder
- Sophocles
- Super Scoop Up
- Torment Spray
- Weakness Policy
- Wicke
- Wish Batton
- Golisopod GX
- Tapu Bulu GX
- Charizard GX
- Ho-Oh GX
- Salazzle GX
- Tapu Fini GX
- Necrozma GX
- Machamp GX
- Lycanroc GX
- Marshadow GX
- Alolan Muk GX
- Darkrai GX
- Gardevoir GX
- Noivern GX
- Acerola
- Guzma
- Kiawe
- Olivia
- Plumeria
- Sophocles
- Wicke (last card is 147)
- Golisopod GX
- Tapu Bulu GX
- Charizard GX
- Ho-Oh GX
- Salazzle GX
- Tapu Fini GX
- Necrozma GX
- Machamp GX
- Lycanroc GX
- Marshadow GX
- Alolan Muk GX
- Darkrai GX
- Gardevoir GX
- Noivern GX
- Choice Band
- Escape Rope
- Muscular Dumbbells
- Multi Switch
- Rescue Stretcher
- Super Scoop Up
- Fire Energy
- Darkness Energy
- Fairy Enery
So we know 11 or 12 gx cards what is the last one
Oh Sun & Moon sets, you continue to be the bane of collectors once again
How so? Quite the opposite in my opinion. Black & White had awful art, X & Y decent but these Sun & Moon cards look gorgeous for the most part. Although the Hyper Rares are overkill that's for sure.. I care more about the art however![]()