We went to our local game shop today, and lo and behold! The autumn tins! I bought a Garchomp C tin, we opened it (and got a Blaze FB lv X in one of the packs!). Score! We finally took a good look at the Garchomp card, and we see that it's in german.
The copy on the tin is english, the packs are english, but the actual promo card is german. The other Garchomp tin our guy had in stock is the same way!! So we bought it and kept it sealed, to prove we didn't pull a switcheroo.
Is this widespread? Is it just us? Do we have a spooky mystery error card?
We went to our local game shop today, and lo and behold! The autumn tins! I bought a Garchomp C tin, we opened it (and got a Blaze FB lv X in one of the packs!). Score! We finally took a good look at the Garchomp card, and we see that it's in german.
The copy on the tin is english, the packs are english, but the actual promo card is german. The other Garchomp tin our guy had in stock is the same way!! So we bought it and kept it sealed, to prove we didn't pull a switcheroo.
Is this widespread? Is it just us? Do we have a spooky mystery error card?