!Avacados Fiesta Shop! ***All Request may take a bit longer sorry, reason SCHOOL! AH!

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Sig/Banner Request.

Images: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Johto_League


Text: anything you think will work
Size: Banner size
Color: Whatever you think looks nice

Basicaly, can it be all the gym leaders in a row, with their badge under them. and then have the heart gold boy towering over all of them.

Thanks :D

http://www.gtsplus.net/files/images/art/anime/197.gif (Just Umbreon, and him on the left)
http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd5/GreyxPandora/DarkraiDarkVoid.jpg (Just Darkrai and him on the right)

Text: Umbreon1997

Size: 500x200

Background: Darkness type theme
Hi, am I allowed to post a request in here even though no one has in a few weeks (no more than 20 days)?
Image - tyranitar, gengar, poliwrath

Size- the size of the hall of fame banner

Background - shadows

Text - Team Terra, The Team of Shadows

Anything Else - make it look really cool and try to make the shadows a sort of purpulish color and if you do, make the text white or red with an interesting font please and thank you
Image - Weavile, Tsutarja, Victini
Size- Banner size
Background - A Shadowy Flame
Text - Culex77
Image - Yanappu, Baoppu, and Hiyappu
Size- Banner size and Avatar Size
Background - A mix of Grass water and Fire
Text - EMonkey3
Image - Treecko, Grovyle, and Sceptile
Size- Banner size
Background - A Mysterious Forest
Text - BeastOfBurden
Anything else: Make Sceptile be the main point of view. Also "spice" it up anyway you would like to make it look nicer. Thanks! :)
Image- Black Rose and thorn surrounding words
Size- Im not sure I guess a little smaller than your exeggutor sig
Background- None
Text- Darkness's Rose/Music can't tie (graphitti)
you can make any changes since I cant pay you :) Thanks
Image - http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:jUTYO8scO3-kHM:http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee328/Wulava/PokemonBW/BWVSPics.png&t=1

Size- Size of my Banner right now

Background -none

Text - nome

Anything Else - Can you but all of these in a row a little separated and if you can put their names next to it.
Images- Janovy, Chaoboo, and Futachimaru (Dream World)
Size- Banner/Sig size.
Background- None.
Anything Else- Vector it, please!
Text- Professor Garchomp

Thank you!
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