Avatar Day of the Black Sun


Croagunk, one of the faithful
That was... awesome! Dot what I though it was, not as well as it was hyped in other words but awesome to say at the least! Who else liked it? Lets discuss!

1. Great artwork, loved the new mechs!
2. Finally, he kissed Katara, it's about time...:p
3. His father, I said he was gunna get injured or get killed, and he gets injured. :F
4. Aang shaved his head! :D
5. Zuko joining Aang.
6. Iroh FTW!
7. Man, fire lord is pathetic, Zuko could take him. -_-

OK, I was dissapointed that they didn't get to fight Ozai, but life 'ill go on. Suki's prob. dead anyways. Toph kicked butt! Toph FTBW! (for the bigger win) lol

So yea, discuss your thoughts!
Oh man, this episode rocked. TOO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT! :O

I saw this on watch avatar way before it came out on tv. :F
Hmm...Since zuko is joining the group do u think there will be a love triangle like aang and zuko fighting over katara??..And same here i watched it like weeks ago on VEOH i just cant wait for the next episode
When Zuko join Aang and the rest???
Your right, finally they kissed.
And I think Azula (you know who i mean, i think of her name right now!) is better than the fire lord. And the end of Book 4 will be the face off of Aang and the fire lord and maybe azula too!
And did you see when Azula almost stabbed Sokka?
man i loved the espodie but i wanted to see the fire lord fall [oh well] guys zuko is chaging so much first hes bad next he's nice next he's mean agian and now he's joining aang wield huh?
The Episode was pure PWNage, it was just so great. The cliffhanger ending sucked for me, because I thought that he was going to fight Ozai, but w/e. I wonder where Iroh went... Kiss, meh. Azula outsmarted them lol. Zuko joining Aang, cool. Too bad that it was leaked like 3 weeks ago, that kind of spoiled the whole episode. ://

dmaster out.
I just meant spoiled, as in it wasn't moraly right; I didn't hear anything about it either, It's just kind of low/cheap.

dmaster out.
After seeing the invasion force surrender, I honestly almost cried. So many key players in the resistance against the Fire Nation going to be captured. It gives me a feeling like there is no more hope for victory. I still feel depressed. :(

P.S. Ozai's lightning = BEAST! :F
KamikazE said:
hey guy's any new's on when the next episode is air-ing??

It will be a while from what I know. 4-5 months to be exact—or more generally, probably next year. It's also called "The Western Air Temple" if anybody is wondering.

anyway. I just saw it. Cool so the next book will be book air I guess since the go to the temple.

lol Oh sound like the fires back:p
bonsly1994 said:
To clarify, this book has 8 more chapters.:p

Oh. then what to do what to do... Oh they can Wait its a kids show ummm... Do they oh right. zuko can teach aang fire bending I guess:p
hm, that's interesting to see. But the only problem is that WHEN DID ZUKO JOIN THEM!?!?!?!!?
Book 3: Fire
Chapter 12

Near the end. Yea, Zuko will teach Aang, Iroh will do something. Etc.
But at the last 2 Chapters of every book there's also another big thing. Wonder what'll be.