Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

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RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Farfetch'd added.

May I use farfetched here: http://centralohioccgs.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=idx?
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Farfetch'd added.

Bippa201 said:
I'm going to use the deformed space cow stuck in the fence (Arceus), water form.


And to Juliacoolo: Yes, that'd be fine. In the future, all you need to do is say which avatar you're using and provide the link to where. :3

And to sceptileblade411: Okay.

Updated the first post with Sableye. I have another Pokémon to post, but I have to wait. :(
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Farfetch'd and Sableye added.

I'm going to use the Sableye avatar. Thanks!
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Farfetch'd and Sableye added.

Sableye's interesting. But it seems a little creepy. Perfect for Halloween.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Farfetch'd and Sableye added.

On second thought, I'll use sayble. Thanks!
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Farfetch'd and Sableye added.

Shadowwiidragon said:
I'm going to use the Sableye avatar. Thanks!


And to Sweet Dawn Berlitz: xP Thanks.

And to Juliacoolo: Okay.

Added Staraptor to the first post. I have two more to add, but I have to wait, again. Binding contracts and whatnot, you see. ;D
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Staraptor added.

Sableye is really good in time for Halloween, and Staraptor is amazing. Love the body work=D

So... I think I know which two you are going to add. The Blastoise everyone has been waiting for and another Gliscor?
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Staraptor added.

I've asked Xous to hold off on displaying the avatars he makes of his artwork for Unsung Heroes until I actually post the cards. It's for the maximum surprise and "wow, this art is really cool" (like Staraptor - I still can't get over how cool that art is). It's no fun if people see the art like a week before I finish the card, y'know?

Long story short, your guess could not be more wrong. The artwork I've asked him to hide is always from Unsung Heroes, so check out the thread if you'd like to wager a better guess.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Staraptor added.

Staraptor is cool. It's really awesome. (The full body art).
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Staraptor added.

Gliscor said:
Sableye is really good in time for Halloween, and Staraptor is amazing. Love the body work=D

So... I think I know which two you are going to add. The Blastoise everyone has been waiting for and another Gliscor?


And to Sweet Dawn Berlitz: Thank you.

And to starcharge: Okay.
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