"Awards". What are they?


Aspiring Trainer
I just noticed that WPM has these "water" symbols under his usergroup. Upon further inspection, I found out that these were "awards". What surprised me even more is that everyone has a box of potential awards. So, maybe a moderator/anyone who knows what is going on could clear this up for me: What exactly are awards, and how do they work? Just curious.
Be Patient....all things will be revealed in time....when they want you to know, you will know.

Until then, just enjoy your life and dont worry about it =]

-Black Rayquaza
Water Pokémon Master said:
I got two badddddgeeees and you don'ttttt.

Well, that's certainly true, no use for me to argue with you about that. xD

Kevin Garrett said:
WPM is like Ash. He wins badges with Team Rocket's help. ;D

I see, so that's how it links to the quiz. :D

Secretsof2113 said:
Even we don't know anything about it. XD

Ah, I see. So it's a "all-will-be-revealed" type of deal. Well, it seems cool enough. When WPM makes his announcement about this (IF he makes an announcement), you can lock this thread, because it won't be needed then.
I hate "All to be revealed-in-time" things. Once someone says that, it is going to take forever of me being on the beach just to find out>_< Yay! More beach time!

I think they are awards for like doing something great for Pokebeach. Like, WPM got an award for being an Admin, and got another award because he wanted another.
PokeChamp said:
Ah, I see. So it's a "all-will-be-revealed" type of deal. Well, it seems cool enough. When WPM makes his announcement about this (IF he makes an announcement), you can lock this thread, because it won't be needed then.

It's actually KG's project.
^So it must have something to do with the Video Games, I suppose. Isn't KG more towards the VG section?
If anyone were to look at their profiles, there is a section that says "Awards." So it isn't just for the Video Gamers, it is for everyone. I guess I can go back to my first idea.

Ugh. The suspense is building. Now I can't leave the beach anymore:0
I'll leave it as a surprise. That means no silly riddles or explanations in advance. You'll find out when it's all set up. :)
Water Pokémon Master said:
I got two badddddgeeees and you don'ttttt.
Too bad they are both the saaaaaame ;]
Anyways, I guess we will get no hints (which is no fun) so we will just have to wait :[
^You are the admin. You can earn more whenever you feel like it.... right?

Relax Gliscor. Everything will be explained soon... I hope.
Twilight ShayminLvr said:
Ahh...Jon(WPM) must like bragging..=/ Lol

He has the most awards than any of us. That deserves bragging rights. Well, speaking that he is the only one with awards. Ugh, that gives him even more bragging rights.

Seems like some battling award thing. I saw they started something like this at Smogon, so it's got to do with that...

dmaster out.
Yeah, he does deserve them yes. And if they are battling one, it'll you like this.
Sam(TSL you feuls)'s Awards=Zero