This is about how black and white affected the development of future pokemon games. Graphicly, the game has had major advancements. Characters shaking their heads, tapping their feet and putting their heads in their hands helped the games pacing(slightly) and reflected thoughts of characters. New 3D-2D mixed scenes were well done(notable being the huin city bridge and the city itself), but the main improvement was pokemon moving in-battle. The moves were well done aswell.NPC creativity improved a lot over D/P majorly. Storyline was heavly involved in the game, and characters never developed as a whole over the game. How do you think this affects future pokemon games? How does the more multi-player based gameplay reflect future games? What else did you find that i didn't mention that you think will affect pokemon? I may add a poll based on the most discussed topics, and what was the biggest and most important change