RE: Back again and ready to trade. Have a lot of rares, RH, and a Playmat.
I'll do that send me a PM to finalize.
I don't have anything older than Stormfront and even then those are only complete sets I don't want to trade from. I would however would love to trade the umbreon and espeon primes. Just get me a list of what you got that I'm interested in, or let me know when you update your Trade Thread.
PM sent.
Sorry but I traded the mat to DarkJawa.
DarkJawa said:so how about this
Pachirisu and 2 Emboar ability
for your Playmat and Typhlosion Prime
I'll do that send me a PM to finalize.
THE_LORD_Of_RANGERS said:Have several of your wants, looking mainly for old umbreons/espeons for a collection. At the very least we might work out something for the espeon/umbreon primes, but as I have them I don't value them highly... Lmk, ignore my trade thread, it needs an update, and if you want to negotiate via pm's thats fine.
I don't have anything older than Stormfront and even then those are only complete sets I don't want to trade from. I would however would love to trade the umbreon and espeon primes. Just get me a list of what you got that I'm interested in, or let me know when you update your Trade Thread.
Mareepman said:Sure pm me!
PM sent.
pokemonjoe said:I'd do the playmat for my two gengar primes. LMK
Sorry but I traded the mat to DarkJawa.