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Back (I think?)-W:Plasma H: Stuff

RE: W: Yanmega, regigigas ex, shaymin ex H: Celebi Prime, Magnezone Prime, bulk

Got any Pokemon Centers or Prism energies?
RE: W: Yanmega, regigigas ex, shaymin ex H: Celebi Prime, Magnezone Prime, bulk

Mokoko said:
@Puckstopper-Hmm, only saw x2 reuniclus from BW that I kinda want

Unfortunately, I don't have the Reuniclus anymore. My thread has been updated if you want to check it out.
RE: W: Yanmega, regigigas ex, shaymin ex H: Celebi Prime, Magnezone Prime, bulk

@Martini-sorry i dont believe i have any extra prisms but i have pokemon centers
@Puckstopper20- well now just interested kinda in yanmega
RE: W: Yanmega, regigigas ex, shaymin ex H: Celebi Prime, Magnezone Prime, bulk

Mokoko said:
@Martini-sorry i don't believe i have any extra prisms but i have pokemon centers
@Puckstopper20- well now just interested kinda in yanmega

Wanna work something out?

I also saw 2 FA Tornadus and x4 Gothtielle..
RE: W: Yanmega, regigigas ex, shaymin ex H: Celebi Prime, Magnezone Prime, bulk

Sure. Oh, whoops needed to take gothutelles ouy from a while ago, sorry. I do still have tornadus though
RE: W: Yanmega, regigigas ex, shaymin ex H: Celebi Prime, Magnezone Prime, bulk

Hm.. Well is there anything else you want besides the Yanmegas? I'm more interested in the Reshiram..
RE: W: Yanmega, regigigas ex, shaymin ex H: Celebi Prime, Magnezone Prime, bulk

Yanmega prime x2

Donphan prime
Tornadus FA
let me know if interested
RE: W: Yanmega, regigigas ex, shaymin ex H: Celebi Prime, Magnezone Prime, bulk

@Puckstopper20-Not really, I guess maybe mew primes if I were to find something
@ DarkJawa-Sorry, no thanks
RE: W: Yanmega, regigigas ex, shaymin ex H: Celebi Prime, Magnezone Prime, bulk

RE: W: Yanmega, regigigas ex, shaymin ex H: Celebi Prime, Magnezone Prime, bulk

Mokoko said:
@Puckstopper20-Not really, I guess maybe mew primes if I were to find something
@ DarkJawa-Sorry, no thanks

How many mew primes are you interested in? I also like

Magnezone Prime
Tornadus FA
and Typhlosion Prime
RE: W: Yanmega, regigigas ex, shaymin ex H: Celebi Prime, Magnezone Prime, bulk

I guess i could take 2 -3
RE: W: Yanmega, regigigas ex, shaymin ex H: Celebi Prime, Magnezone Prime, bulk

CML for your 1x Cleebi Prime I have 2x Yanmega Prime unlisted lmk
RE: W: Yanmega, regigigas ex, shaymin ex H: Celebi Prime, Magnezone Prime, bulk

RE: W: MTC and EXs H: Magnezone Prime, bulk, and MORE!

I have 1x Tornadus, it's RH, and I want Kyurem NV, can we work a deal?
RE: W: MTC and EXs H: Magnezone Prime, bulk, and MORE!

How about

Regiggas EX
Tornadus holo

Kyurem EX Full art

let me know, thanks

[edit, just saw you only trade to the US, I'm in Canada, so if you're willing to make an exception let me know, thanks]
RE: W: MTC and EXs H: Magnezone Prime, bulk, and MORE!

CML for Thundurus FA and Terrakion FA!! Do you have any Lost Removers for trade?
RE: W: MTC and EXs H: Magnezone Prime, bulk, and MORE!

@Martini-I'm sure we can make a deal. You'd have to add in something else though, I saw your Junk Arm(s). DO you have any holo energy for trade?

@kroatia-Unfortunately, US only :( Would've loved to trade though.

@ VictiniMan-Not really anything :/. Yes, I do have lost removers.
RE: W: MTC and EXs H: Magnezone Prime, bulk, and MORE!


x1 Shaymin EX*
x1 Celebi Prime***
x1 Tornadus***


x1 Kyurem EX Full-Art
x1 Terrakion FA
RE: W: MTC and EXs H: Magnezone Prime, bulk, and MORE!

Hey, I saw your trade thread and was interested in your Japanese Dice. Do you still have those?