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Back (I think?)-W:Plasma H: Stuff

RE: W: HOLO ENERGY AND Mareep Evolution Plush H: Bulk, Terrakion FA, and MUCH MORE!

@_Vause_-Hmmm ill think about it

@Soulwind-Didnt really see anything else I need, sorry
RE: W: HOLO ENERGY AND Mareep Evolution Merch H: Bulk, Terrakion FA, and MUCH MORE!

I can throw in some other stuff to sweeten it too. Maybe a RH DCE or Prism or something? Just let me know.
RE: W: HOLO ENERGY AND Mareep Evolution Merch H: Bulk, Terrakion FA, and MUCH MORE!

^Dont really need any DCE or Prism though, and I didn't really see anything on your thread I needed either. :(
RE: W: HOLO ENERGY AND Mareep Evolution Merch H: Bulk, Terrakion FA, and MUCH MORE!

Well I have more than just my thread. Anything you need specifically?

What about a blue states dice?
RE: W: HOLO ENERGY AND Mareep Evolution Merch H: Bulk, Terrakion FA, and MUCH MORE!

Actually, do you have any Dodou/Dodrio UD or Remoraid/Octillery UL (for my collection :p)
I am also interested in your dice :)
RE: W: Random Collection Cards and Mareep Evolution Merch H:Come See!!!

I have a couple dodous, 1 dodrio, Im pretty sure I have a couple of remoraid, and by all means please make an offer on the dice haha
RE: W: Random Collection Cards and Mareep Evolution Merch H:Come See!!!

Hey sorry I think you forgot about me.
RE: W: Random Collection Cards and Mareep Evolution Merch H:Come See!!!

1 Phanpy CoL
1 Donphan prime

2 Kyurem

RE: W: Random Collection Cards and Mareep Evolution Merch H:Come See!!!

My Donphan Prime is in eh condition, but has no bends or creases. I'd like to trade for any Catcher if you have 'em. You can check my sell thread for more.
RE: W: Random Collection Cards and Mareep Evolution Merch H:Come See!!!

@_Vause_-About how much do you value your dice at?
@olimar1023-No thanks, and I'm looking for Phanpy from HGSS
@Serperior-I do have a catcher or two I could trade. I dont really mind the condition of your donphan, as long as its playable. From you sale thread, im kinda interested in Thundurus EP.
RE: W: Random Collection Cards and Mareep Evolution Merch H:Come See!!!

My Electrode Prime
Codes/Deal Sweetner
Terrakion FA.
RE: W: Random Collection Cards and Mareep Evolution Merch H:Come See!!!

Mokoko said:
@olimar1023-No thanks, and I'm looking for Phanpy from HGSS

Ok, how about:
1 Donphan prime

1 Kyurem

RE: W: Random Collection Cards and Mareep Evolution Merch H:Come See!!!

Electrode Prime
Something small

Zekrom EX

RE: W: Random Collection Cards and Mareep Evolution Merch H:Come See!!!

@_Vause_-Hmmm that might be a little to expensive for me so I'm not sure I want it.
@Glaceon-No thanks I think terrakion is worth more than Electrode, but feel free to counter
@olimar1023- I think I can do that, PM me
@Sleeping Snorlax- Sorry, none at the present moment.
@Soulwind-Were you interested in the set or the promo?
RE: W: Random Collection Cards and Mareep Evolution Merch H:Come See!!!

Interested in the set for my collection. :D

What can I add to make it work?
RE: W: Random Collection Cards and Mareep Evolution Merch H:Come See!!!

Sweet! It is definitely in playable condition.

I can trade the Thundurus:

My: Donphan Prime

Your: 2x Catcher

? I think I have some Phanpy I could throw in.
RE: W: Random Collection Cards and Mareep Evolution Merch H:Come See!!!

I could do 10 depending on what our final deal looks like
RE: W: Japanese Sleeves and Mareep Evolution Merch H:Come See!!!

Hey guys! Back from regionals with some of the stuff I needed!
@Soulwind- It depends on how much how small the other thing is.
@Serperior-Really sorry but I dont really need the Donphan any more :/
@_Vause_- not really wanting any states dice any more sorry.
