Back to The Kalane Region: UPDATE: Aria/ Please Comment!


5 Stars!
Welcome back young trainer, to the mystic Kalane region, here you will find many sorts of Pokemon, like the Huge Afro Pokemon: Tollac, or the Twistesd Tail Pokemon: Slicarnar: But now, here is a hint of what to come...

P.S. I am Hoping to get a scanner soon, if not, pics will remain this quality...+ The names of the games are Pokemon Nightmare and Daydream versions and Pokemon Dream is the 3rd game

Lets Start Exploring!!!

Which Starter Pokemon do you want Hmmmmm? Ah so Florac is your choice, lets learn more about it!

Name: Florac
Type: Grass
Image: See attached
Gender: 20%Male
80% Female
S Move (An S Move is a move that only one Pokemon can learn!)

S Move: Rainbow Shoots/Power: 30/PP: 5/Acc: 100/Level: 5
Effect: Gets stronger as Florac levels up. Raises Speed

Location: Collect from Prof. Blossom at Little Dream Town

Rarity: Only one

Classification: Flower Pokemon

Bios: Keeps still and hides in fields of flowers so no one will notice it.


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RE: Back to The Kalane Region: UPDATE: Florac

You know... If you choose Florac as your starter, it will eventually evolve into this Pokemon: Sellac

Name: Sellac
Type: Grass/Flying
Image: See attached
Gender: See Florac
S Move: Rainbow Shoots/Power:60/PP:5/Acc:90/Level:--
Effect: See Florac
Location: None
Rarity: Evolve Florac
Classification: Afro Pokemon
Bios: Floats around, constantly searching for a home. It struggles if caught.


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RE: Back to The Kalane Region: UPDATE: Sellac

And Sellac evolves into this beast... Tollac!

Name: Tollac
Type: Grass
Image: See attached
Gender: See Florac
S Move: Rainbow Shoots/Power:130/PP:5/Acc:100/Level:--
Effect: See Florac
Location: None
Rarity: Evolve Sellac
Classification: Giant Afro Pokemon
Bios: Spends all it's time with it's eyes shut. If you try to peel bark off it, it will attack.


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RE: Back to The Kalane Region: UPDATE: Tollac/ Please Comment!

Okay... Any Fire/Water type starters?
RE: Back to The Kalane Region: UPDATE: Tollac/ Please Comment!

Yup, they are just coming, but since no one was commenting, I stopped putting new ones up... sorry!
RE: Back to The Kalane Region: UPDATE: Tollac/ Please Comment!

Quick preview of some upcoming Pokemon!


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RE: Back to The Kalane Region: UPDATE: Tollac/ Please Comment!

Wait, you don't want Florac, then which one do you want? Ah, I see you want Aria... Good choice...

Name: Aria
Type: Fire
Image: See attached
Gender: Male
S Move: Flame Beam/Power:10/PP:5/Acc:100/Level:5
Effect: Gets stronger as he evolves. Raises Defence
Location: Collect from Professer Blossom at Little Dream Town
Rarity: Only one
Classification: Dinosaur Pokemon
Bios: Very friendly and very old these creatures look tame but can get very angry


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