Goldash said:CML for Rocket's Articuno, Rocket's Snorlax, Mewtwo *, Pikachu *, Mew *, Celebi *, Shiny Charmander and Charmeleon(The IFDS/DPS ones[you said DPS]).
I would like to have the following for them:Taylor45 said:Hi, I'm very interested in your Jpn. 3x Ninetales - DP2
Could you check my list for them?
I don't really have any of your specific wants but I can give an Ex or something for these 3 if there is one you like.
Yes. I would trade that for a TSD plus a Claydol.TCGtrainer said:LMK if you would trade a Giratina Lv X for a TSD
They will trade forzephilim said:Can you please CML for these EX cards? Thanks!
Rocket's Articuno (ENG) (trr)
Kyogre (ENG) (cg)
Kyogre (ENG) (hl)
Lapras (ENG?) (r&s)
erm, sorry I don't value the Lv X that low. Maybe:zephilim said:Hows about
Cynthia x2
Bebe x2
Poke Drawer + x2
Darkrai #4 x2
Rocket's Articuno (ENG) (trr)
Kyogre (ENG) (cg)
Kyogre (ENG) (hl)
Lapras (ENG?) (r&s)
LMK, thanks.
I am willing to trade them for some of the following:imacharizard333 said:The third time in a thread that I forget to put a list... it's in my sig now.
I wanted GC Torterra and XxMightyenaxX.
They are only for sale only. sorrytyranitar77 said:cml for a blister pack or theme deck
I want aGarchomp said:Do you trade DPt2? If you do, can you CML for Flygon Lv X and 3x Flygon if you have them.
erm.. will you buy them?Garchomp said:Dialga G Lv X is decked ATM is there anything else you want?