None of your cards have arrived uptil now, Sorry.z0n3 g3tt3r said:would you sell your Garchomp Lv.X and Dialga Lv.X ?
P.S.: Are the other cards arrived ?
what is €?z0n3 g3tt3r said:20€ and some cards for both ?
Plz simply tell me what your currency is.z0n3 g3tt3r said:It's Money i don't know whats in HKD, but 1€ is 1,40$
ok, my offer isyuyuman345 said:hey
i have
torterra lv x
kingdra ex d
latias ex d
altaria ex d
i want
leafeon lv x
dialga lv x
couldu make the first offer
Plz check PMfreakysmiley said:ill give you 45 canadian dollars for glaceon leafeon and gardevoir lvl x
20 Euromarinepika said:How much money do you want for Glaceon Lv. X?