Bad Reputation

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Aspiring Trainer
My real name is Daniel and I'm from Portugal. Some of you may think that we, Portuguese, are bunch of rippers and bad traders due to the constant stealing and overall bad trading that some of us are doing here. Your reaction is absolutely natural but we shouldn't take the blame when we done nothing!

This may sound like sour grapes but this situation is just too unfair! I have positive refs only and I must always send first just because I'm Portuguese! This is an outrage!

Don't jump to conclusions. Only one or two Portuguese guys done this kind of thing so the chances of the guy you're trading with being a bad trader are slim to none.

What those guys did is wrong but that doesn't mean that every other guy in the same COUNTRY is a bad trader does it?

we've done nothing.

chocolate said:
Sorry talk to Pokemon fans but if I don't do this me and some people here in Portugal are with bad reputation

Maybe you know Andre Silva ...
He is one of my friends but he is a ripper and because of him I have a bad reputation.

I´m sending first in all my trades because of bad reputation that I was affected for live in Portugal

What can I do to the pokemon fans of pokebeach trust in me ...
My real name is Daniel !!!


Edited Post:

chocolate said:
My real name is Daniel and I'm from Portugal. Some of you may think that we, Portuguese, are bunch of rippers and bad traders due to the constant stealing and overall bad trading that some of us are doing here. Your reaction is absolutely natural but we shouldn't take the blame when we done nothing!

This may sound like sour grapes but this situation is just too unfair! I have positive refs only and I must always send first just because I'm Portuguese! This is an outrage!

Don't jump to conclusions. Only one or two Portuguese guys done this kind of thing so the chances of the guy you're trading with being a bad trader are slim to none.

What those guys did is wrong but that doesn't mean that every other guy in the same COUNTRY is a bad trader does it?

we've done nothing.

Some ideas:
Encourage/make your "friend" give their cards back.
Post in the proper forum.
Send first.
Stop complaining.

EDIT 1: Way to edit your post and remove the fact that you're "friends" with the person who you recognize has been scamming everyone. The one time I don't use the "reply" button on a post...
EDIT 2: Ah ha! I did. Way to change it around to try and try and reverse the blame. Hopefully someone will read the original...

Oh, and regarding that bit about "I must always send first just because I'm Portuguese! This is an outrage!", if you don't want to send first, DON'T TRADE WITH THEM. It's as easy as that. You talk about how they (and in my opinion, rightfully so, considering the statistics) are likely suspicious of you, so if you have nothing to hide, what does it matter if you go first?
I'm sorry that some people don't realize that just because one person does something means that they all do it. Just because a terroist group from Saudi Arabia bombs another country dosen't mean that everyone in Saudi Arabia would do it.

(Just happened to use the country Saudi Arabia. No offense to ANYONE from Saudi Arabia or of Saudi heritage.)
Your complaint is understandable, but when you think about it, the reasons that the requirements are made are completely just. You're right, not every person from Portugal is going to be a ripper. In fact, we do know some people from there who actually are very reputable traders, and they have earned their references to the point where they aren't required to send first. Your trades work the same way as anyone else's, except for the beginning stages of earning references. Once you've earned 15 refs and been here for 3 months, then you're allowed to ask those with fewer references to send first. It's as simple as that. It was a steady group of traders we were most worried about. As I said, we're not trying to pinpoint everyone from a country as being bad, but it's a select few that make us a lot more wary of our trades.
For your ideas you´re telling me that you are a ripper ...
for other hand you wouldnt talk like that

Thanks Secretsof2113 and Dragonite Forever
chocolate said:
For your ideas you´re telling me that you are a ripper ...
for other hand you wouldnt talk like that

Thanks Secretsof2113 and Dragonite Forever

Umm... what?
Well, time somehow clears your reputation. Drop your friend and go trading alone. And act good. Maybe you could even give face and purposely get conned. Do this for around 2 weeks and if they all see you as a nice guy then you'll get accepted. If your friend is the problem and it has nothing to do with you then it'll be OK.

Wow, I feel like a marriage counselor.
I am Portuguese and I'm not sending first and chin. Why? Why respect people when the exchange I do , because when I cards the cards you do not want the crap now andré has deserved his chance a plateau in the face and not play more cards, that is until the senior champion of the 2008 is for applaud the shame I feel is this person from North (I am the center and it seems another country) is making and will in the world instead of one that won the tournament So I sent first, can close all the post has paints for this. Do the same for blacks in Portugal.
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