Bad Slogans

What are the worst slogans you've ever heard?

I heard that in Taiwan, when the Pepsi slogan was translated to Chinese (not sure if it was Mandarin or Cantonese, so I'll just say Chinese) “Come Alive With the Pepsi Generation” came out as “Pepsi Will Bring Your Ancestors Back From The Grave”.

lol... I bet crazy people were praying in front of vending machines and stuff.

Discuss? Yeah.... I guess.
I believe that Splanda's slogan was once, "made from sugar, so it tastes like sugar" made itself sound really pointless, made me laugh a whole bunch, I even incorporated it into my school work.
I heard about the whole Pepsi madarin thing. It was actually pretty funny how things can get really screwed up when translated in the litteral sense
Lately Cheetos has been running commercials with the slogan "Have a Cheetos Break. With Cheetos." at the end. (I might have a word wrong there.) As if I wasn't immediately aware a Cheetos Break involved Cheetos.

I can't think of any more at the moment, but there are plenty out there.
How about the Head On commercial? "Head On! Apply directly to the forehead!"

It's bad enough that you say it a thousand times. What's worse is that where else would you put it on your head?
Not really a slogan, but they spelled Coca Cola wrong in Chinese a bunch of times and each was hilarious, the best being: bite the wax tadpole XD
M & M's Candy said:
"The milk chocolate melts in your mouth - not in your hand."

Yea... you guys didn't even bother to test it? Fail.

Frosties said:
"They're grrrreat"

Thanks, Tony. That completely describes Frosted Flakes. :)

Old Playstation 2 Slogan said:
"Live in your world. Play in ours"

That's exactly what some random guy told me when I was seven. No way. :eek:

Nike said:
"Just do it"

"But wait, theres more!"

That line drives me mad. They try to add dramatic flare to their ads in hopes of actually being able to selling their product. They add more to the deal to draw you in when in fact, the product was crap.
People think its now worth getting if you get more stuff added to it.
"Nationwide is on your side."

That just got so annoying. They play car insurance commercials like there's no tommrow. Nike is OK but it just sounds weird. To many people think od the worst thing possible when something like that come around. However alot of slogans are just catchy and stupid. I STILL remember the old Geico one >_>.
SOme funny/ horrible slogans are

"Miama P.D. Bomb Squad: If You See Us Running, Catch Up"

"McDonalds: I'd Hit It" <---This is talking about a hamburger o_O
I don't know exactly how this was used, so don't go flaming me when I get it wrong.
The slogan for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was "Everybody's doing it" or something like that. They had a bunch of commercials with people saying when they 'did it' and who they 'did it' with. I'm gonna get warned for going too far into it, so look into it yourself if you feel like it.