Bad TCG judgings happen to you? Discuss them here!

RE: Bad rule?

Well this is a funny story a bad one. my last BR I was at or something i played like 2 games out of 4-6 and those two times i kept forgetting my prizes my friend and judge Chris Clanton comes and i tell him i forgot my prizes he’s like um. And he just gives use warnings. both times btw ,then at league last time it happened again and I’m like argh what’s wrong with me these days (honestly its like i'm cheating but i don’t know i'm doing it , also btw this happens after a mulligan a few times) . So he lets my opponent draw a card (good move Chris). I think he knows i didn’t mean to do it and is being kind to me.
RE: Bad rule?

I know this is a "dead thread" but I want to make it a thread for bad TCG rulings...Mods, may I do this? You know, a place to discuss poor TCG rulings?

PS: This is my 3rd post ever (the first post of the thread)

^In case you actually cared :( ^
That happened to my friend!!

Ok, here's the situation:
-Bebe's Search
-Searches deck for nidoqueed
-ends turn
-Tries to discard supporter on his opponent's turn, but the opponent calls a judge
-instead of a caution, he has to leave his supporter out for THE REST OF THE GAME and CAN'T PLAY ANY MORE FOR THE REST OF THE GAME!!


All right, sounds good to me. Share your horror stories with the world!
I had an opponent that i hadnt won against before at the BRs and he was:
Cosmic Power
2 on the bottom
I said for him to not do that and explained how it works, he did it again and I called for the Judge who said I could take a prize but I choose not to because I didnt want a 'cheap win', although it was the shuffleing that won him both games :p

Edit: After seeing the title of this thread, my post isnt a bad Judging, I just wasnt paying any attention :p
TCG Trader said:
That happened to my friend!!

Ok, here's the situation:
-Bebe's Search
-Searches deck for nidoqueed
-ends turn
-Tries to discard supporter on his opponent's turn, but the opponent calls a judge
-instead of a caution, he has to leave his supporter out for THE REST OF THE GAME and CAN'T PLAY ANY MORE FOR THE REST OF THE GAME!!



ok, this 1 has me a little confused. did that mean he could use that bebe every turn for the rest of the game cause it was clearly on the playing field not allowed to be discarded by the ruling of the judge. what an idiot. why . i didn't even think you could have a ruling such as that

also i didn't know that dropping a card was so bad. i always buy new sleeves for my deck before a tournament (don't know why i just do). they are always really slippery and often go everywhere due to my added clumsiness. i have never got a warning/ penalty. and its not like ppl do it on purpose. why would anyone disadvantage themself by having less cards in their deck. i am glad i play where i do, cause i think if some of these bs rulings happened i would leave the game i am sorry for all of you for having to put up with it
"People are consiceded on one thing. Winning. They don't see what the game was made for (fun), and only see winning. They then gloat if they win, or cry when they lose, not even respecting the actaul reason the game was made. "

wow so true^^^^

you know what sucks, where i play in NYC, the judges are friends with all the kids that win, they have this stupid crew(group) and they all share cards help people pad records and whatnot, just saying, not that its wrong but how impartial can that be....?
TCG Trader said:
That happened to my friend!!

Ok, here's the situation:
-Bebe's Search
-Searches deck for nidoqueed
-ends turn
-Tries to discard supporter on his opponent's turn, but the opponent calls a judge
-instead of a caution, he has to leave his supporter out for THE REST OF THE GAME and CAN'T PLAY ANY MORE FOR THE REST OF THE GAME!!



That judge should be banned for eternity. During Nats I forgot to discard my supporters a couple of times. I was however fortunate enough to have good sports playing against me. They let me discard it during my turn or when it became my turn again. I also have a terrible habbit of putting my supporters straight to my discard pile. I was called on it twice but both times I got off with a warning as it really isn't a huge deal.
TCG Trader said:
That happened to my friend!!

Ok, here's the situation:
-Bebe's Search
-Searches deck for nidoqueed
-ends turn
-Tries to discard supporter on his opponent's turn, but the opponent calls a judge
-instead of a caution, he has to leave his supporter out for THE REST OF THE GAME and CAN'T PLAY ANY MORE FOR THE REST OF THE GAME!!



If this was a big tournament (Not our Saturday ones), that judge would be fired. You HAVE to discard your supporter, or else, your turn never ends.
Judges take their jobs too seriously in my opinion. I mean, honestly, let us play with skill, not with pigheaded judges helping us FTW! No. I never really complain.

Spirit of Mew raises his hand alot.

~Just saying Ryan...
inconsistency in judging is just something you have to deal with,to me its the biggest flaw in the game. its a bad experience but dont let it drive you away from the game.
trevorispro said:
inconsistency in judging is just something you have to deal with,to me its the biggest flaw in the game. its a bad experience but don't let it drive you away from the game.
Well thats simply do to the fact that different judges have different levels of experience and tendencies. On what TCG Trader said, thats utterly absurd and I hope it was reported to PUI.
Quite frankly, I've never had a bad judging decision. In fact, we don't even have judges where I play. My opponent and I just work out what should happen by reading the card or by asking somebody else (like the TO).
In the junior semi-finals of a BR, one kid was cheating terribly. He drew a prize when he shouldn't have and he stacked his deck. i watched him while he was shuffling, and he shuffled with teh card sleevs facing the judge, while he could see all the cards. He'd shuffle 20+ times, makign it seem liek great shuffling, but he would keep a clump of cards together and put them ontop at the end. Then he played a STD, and when the judge was watching another game, and his opponent wasn't paying attention, he hit a dice that landed as tails and it rolled to heads.

When I told the judge, he came over and watched for a while, nothing bad happened and he left. Then the kid went right back to stacking. And the judge was all, "I went over there and he wasn't doing anythign wrong. Stop being so hard on little kids,." >.> Luckily, he lost. Which was awesome.
My sister played against a well known cheater in a BR.

He Level Up'd all of his AMU in the bench. My sister realized two turns later. Then she called a judge...

And they did nothing...

I'm so annoyed that he got 2nd so unfairly, most likely by cheating every game.