Wi-Fi Trades BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. Now with more EV Trained Pokemon and Pokerus

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The rest of the list will be updated tonight, with natures and more Pokemon.


Platinum Friend Code:

1118 6130 1231

PM me to Battle/Trade.
(For Battles, anything is fine. Except Ubers. Only clauses I follow are Species, same item, and the one where you can't self KO if you both have one pokemon left)

For trades, I'm primarily after Pokemon I don't have, Events and Items.
I can EV train as well, for Events or Rare Pokemon.

All Pokemon are Legit and Untouched, unless otherwise stated. I expect the same from you.

What I'm after:


Timid Latios
Adamant/Jolly Groudon (Preferably from Soul Silver)
Bold Giratina
Careful Regirock
Quiet Dialga
Hasty Palkia
Jolly Deoxys
Calm Mew


Shiny Scyther/Scizor
Shiny Weedle
Shiny Pidgey
Shiny Gastly/Haunter/Gengar
Shiny Butterfree
Fake tear Pokemon
Gonna breed with Eevee. ;]


Star Pieces
Red Shards
Lucky Egg
Any Evolution Item
Any Battle Item

What I have:

Legends: (The bold ones I will only trade if you can clone)

Serious Articuno/ Gentle Articuno
Hasty Zapdos/ Lax Zapdos
Brave Moltres
Timid Mewtwo/Relaxed Mewtwo (From FR, trained to 73)
Mystery Mew/Hacked Mew
Hardy Raikou
Bold Suicune
Quiet Entei
Timid Lugia
Jolly Ho Oh

Sassy Regirock
Quiet Regice
Lonely Registeel
Rash Latias
Shiny Quiet Latios (Possibly hacked, most likely RNGd.)
Japanese Event Careful Jirachi (Knows Draco Meteor)
Wishmaker Jirachi
Space Centre Deoxys, Gamestop Deoxys
Bold Uxie
Relaxed Mesprit x2
Quiet Azelf
Gentle Dialga
Quirky Palkia
Naughty Heatran/ Docile Heatran
Naive Regigigas/TRU Regigigas
Bashful Giratina
Serious Cresselia
TRU Manaphy
Almia Darkrai/Alamos Darkrai
Calm Shaymin
TRU Arceus/Japanese Event Arceus


Event Milotic


Surf Pikachi from Battle Revolution
Blaze Kick Riolus
Rapid Spin Kabutos
Rapid Spin Tentacruels
Wish Eevees
Level 100 EV trained Metagross

Level 100 EV Trained Heracross
Level 100 EV Trained Lucario
Level 100 EV Trained Breloom
Level 100 EV Trained Aerodactyl
Level 100 EV Trained Tyranitar
Level 100 EV Trained Rhyperior
Level 100 EV Trained Infernape
Level 100 EV Trained Kabutops
Level 100 EV Trained Regirock
Level 100 EV Trained Suicune
Level 100 EV Trained Tentacruel
EV Trained Scizor
EV Trained Machamp
EV Trained Weavile
EV Trained Gliscor
Level 100 EV Trained Gyarados
Level 100 EV Trained Togekiss

(Currently working on nothing. I'll be breeding Skorupi's and Nincadas)


Focus Sash
Choice Band
Choice Scarf
Expert Belt
Power Items
Soothe Bell
Light Ball
Black Belt
Metal Coat
Dubious Disc
Reaper Cloth
Heart Scale
Evolution Stones
Any TM

I can breed a large sum of Pokemon, just ask, and I'll check if I have them.

I also offer EV training Services. I just ask for what's listed above, and for a few days. I EV train, I don't grind to level 100.
(If you don't specify the EV spread, I'll just go with a standard, 252/252/4 in the stats it'll need it in (IE, a Weavile, Attack and Speed)
RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread.

Please see my trade thread for the event Dragonite and the Pokemon Battle Revolution Pikachu. My trade thread is here:

RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread.

Please CML for the EV'd T-Tar and heracross. I have gigas, Shaymin, and others from your wants.
RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread.

CML for these Shinines:
Latios & Shroomish.

These are for LV.
RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread.

Shadelon said:
CML for these Shinines:
Latios & Shroomish.

These are for LV.

How about:

Eigakan/Movie Theater: アルセウス/Arceus~Lv.100 (Jolly~Alert to sounds, Jul 18, 2009)

For both?
Also, Can you clone the Latios?

Juliacoolo said:
Please CML for the EV'd T-Tar and heracross. I have gigas, Shaymin, and others from your wants.

Can you clone? If so, how about both for the Darkrai and Bold Suicune for Arceus?
RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread.

BadGuy4434 said:
How about:

Eigakan/Movie Theater: アルセウス/Arceus~Lv.100 (Jolly~Alert to sounds, Jul 18, 2009)

For both?
Also, Can you clone the Latios?
Sorry, but we don't do 2 for 1 trades....only 1 for 1 or 2 for 2 & so on.
RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread.

Light Venusaur said:
Sorry, but we don't do 2 for 1 trades...only 1 for 1 or 2 for 2 & so on.

How about just the Shiny Latios then?
(I'm unsure if it's fair or not, thus I offered two to begin with. I'm fairly easy going when it comes to trades.)
RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread.

CML for shiny Latias, I wont give too much unless you can guarantee it unhacked
RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread.

What you want for Arceus(TRU)
RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread.

I'm unsure if the Latios is hacked or not. Looks legit enough. Level 40, from Hoenn. Stats are normal. Quiet Nature.
Knows Protect, Refresh, Luster Purge and Psychic.

I got it from a GameFAQs trade. So it's most likely cloned, and probably RNG'd.
RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. UPDATED

Smacktack92 said:
So a Turtwig for Mew?

Your choice.
Given the chance, I wouldn't. I'd trade something good, for something good.
But if you're dead-set on trading Turtwig for Mew, then lets trade.
RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. UPDATED

My brother currently has my Torterra but, I do have a few evolution items:)

I have:
1x Dusk Stone
1x Oval Stone
1x Protector
1x Upgrade
1x Water Stone
1x Leaf Stone
1x Moon Stone

Maybe one of those on a Piplup for:

1x Deoxys or Mew (whichever one is legit, if they are both legit, your choice).

RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. UPDATED

Smacktack92 said:
My brother currently has my Torterra but, I do have a few evolution items:)

I have:
1x Dusk Stone
1x Oval Stone
1x Protector
1x Upgrade
1x Water Stone
1x Leaf Stone
1x Moon Stone

Maybe one of those on a Piplup for:

1x Deoxys or Mew (whichever one is legit, if they are both legit, your choice).


If you can get ahold of the Torterra, and breed a Turtwig, It'sa deal.
I do love me some Dusk Stones. Or a Moon Stone.
RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. UPDATED

BadGuy4434 said:
If you can get ahold of the Torterra, and breed a Turtwig, It'sa deal.
I do love me some Dusk Stones. Or a Moon Stone.

He is coming over tonight so I might be able to trade tonight or tomorrow:)

Do you have any Master Balls??? I am looking for one if you do.

Here is the trade:

Your Deoxys or Mew (+ Optional Master Ball)

My Turtwig (+ MoonStone)
RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. UPDATED

Smacktack92 said:
He is coming over tonight so I might be able to trade tonight or tomorrow:)

Do you have any Master Balls??? I am looking for one if you do.

Here is the trade:

Your Deoxys or Mew (+ Optional Master Ball)

My Turtwig (+ MoonStone)

Sounds like a plan, stan.

I don't have any Master Balls actually. Still hoping to get some more from the daily draw :p

But I'm online often. PM me when you're ready to trade.
RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. UPDATED

BadGuy4434 said:
Sounds like a plan, stan.

I don't have any Master Balls actually. Still hoping to get some more from the daily draw :p

But I'm online often. PM me when you're ready to trade.

Ok, thanks. BTW, which one do you want to trade? Mew or Deoxys?
RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. UPDATED

Smacktack92 said:
Ok, thanks. BTW, which one do you want to trade? Mew or Deoxys?

I have a Japanese Deoxys. The event one. Ot is 10th
Mew is also Japanese. From Pokemon Event 07.
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