Wi-Fi Trades BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. Now with more EV Trained Pokemon and Pokerus

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RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. UPDATED

BadGuy: IDK, whichever one you want to trade (The most legit one lol).

I bred my Turtwig and I am ready anytime for our trade. Peace ='')
RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. UPDATED

Smacktack92 said:
BadGuy: IDK, whichever one you want to trade (The most legit one lol).

I bred my Turtwig and I am ready anytime for our trade. Peace ='')

Mew it is.
Thanks man'g.

Front page updated again.
Hey, I noticed you could breed certain pokemon. Was wondering if you could breed a Male, Adamant Skorupi with the Battle Armour ability. I'm offering a pretty handsome reward in the form of something like 15 events for one (check my tread for more info on that). If you're interested, send me a Private Message and we can work something out :)
AlecDuff said:
Hey, I noticed you could breed certain pokemon. Was wondering if you could breed a Male, Adamant Skorupi with the Battle Armour ability. I'm offering a pretty handsome reward in the form of something like 15 events for one (check my tread for more info on that). If you're interested, send me a Private Message and we can work something out :)

I traded my only Skorupi away D: So I'll just go catch one, breed until I get a female Adamant (So I can give it a Everstone, etc etc), or the one you're looking for. I'll PM when I'm done. :p
palkia dialga clash said:
IVS on the Timid Latios.

That's in the "What I'm After" section. Thus, I don't have one, but I am looking for one. :p

Also, working on the Skorupi.
Harder to catch than I previously thought.
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