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Ballistoise (Black Kyurem EX / Blastoise / Keldeo EX)

samhink1 said:
pygohan said:
Actually I play a rather similar deck and he has just enough to get by. Bill isn't a legal card for competition unless it was reprinted in some later BCR set I'm not aware of.

I still think he has a few too many water could make room for something else.

I am... not sure... from where did you pull out that quote on Bill, but I have been thinking about replacing some [W] with Receiver, Pad e and some other stuff... Still, I am not sure how would this work out...

Any suggestions?
ya the quote was removed by the Admin. It was on quite a few posts about remove something and adding Bill. Well you have 4 Squirtles so you could drop one...I know you said before you had issues getting Blastoise so you added a 4th Squirtle but TBH I think you will be better without.
pygohan said:
ya the quote was removed by the Admin. It was on quite a few posts about remove something and adding Bill. Well you have 4 Squirtles so you could drop one...I know you said before you had issues getting Blastoise so you added a 4th Squirtle but TBH I think you will be better without.

That is an option. I am a little afraid of getting rid of one squirtle and a couple of [W], fearing that I might lose some consistency, but I guess this deck has come to the point that you just need to experiment e try different approaches...

This week is too thigh for me to try some changes, since I got no time to play. Sunday I will join a local League playing on Modified, then I will have time to try some of these ideas.

Lastly, on Bill, something like it would be kinda good, still I am playing on Extended and Modified tournaments and Bill isn't valid in any. What I can add is a couple of Roller Skates, dispite the fact that I hate flips, that might help me when I get a bad hand...
Lux don't add Roller Skates, you have enough draw power. I run a similar deck and 10 W and 2 Lightning barely gets by.
pygohan said:
Lux don't add Roller Skates, you have enough draw power. I run a similar deck and 10 W and 2 Lightning barely gets by.

Apart from removing one Squirtle, do you think I can afford taking 2 W and 1 Letter away for some Receiver or Pal Pad? Or maybe some other suggestion?
I would agree to the fact that you shouldn't take out any more Energy, rather, take out a Skyla and add in a Level Ball. Or perhaps even add in a Jirachi EX should you want more Supporter draws, though I start with him on a regular basis for some reason.
Kecleon-X said:
I would agree to the fact that you shouldn't take out any more Energy, rather, take out a Skyla and add in a Level Ball. Or perhaps even add in a Jirachi EX should you want more Supporter draws, though I start with him on a regular basis for some reason.

There is a Level Ball in the list and I am aiming to remove it for an Ultra Ball, since the new rotation won't allow Level Ball anymore =/

I had Jirachi in mind, but I am not sure if it is worth it. I mean, it is kinda expensive, I don't have one right now and it will sit on the bench taking up space I usually use in match-ups that require me to build 2 Blastoises (Like VirGen and the like).

I had some thoughts about adding anothe Pokémon Fan Club. While it is not as usefull as a Level Ball, it can get me a Squirtle and a Voltorb/Kyurem/Keldeo, depending on what I am lacking on T1/T2, then it becomes nice Discard fodder.

Could this work?
So, I played around with some ideas and came up with some changes that I still have to test. Check them out:

-1 Squirtle
-1 Skyla
-1 Level Ball
-1 Magnetic Storm
-2 Shauna
-2 Colress
-2 [W]

+1 Exeggcute [PLF]
+1 Pokémon Fan Club
+1 Ultra Ball
+1 Pal Pad
+1 Mountain Ring
+3 N
+2 Random Receiver

Now for the reasoning:

Level Ball is going because I will play on BCR-on competitions and my self-imposed challenge is to make this Ballista deck work on the new rotation. I picked another Ultra Ball to replace it.

With 4 Ultras, 4 Superior and Dowsing Machine, I will be discarding a lot. Hence, One Squirtle goes and gets replaced by Exeggcute, so I can be more relaxed about discarding.

Mountain Ring gets Magnetic Storm's slot so Blastoise isn't OHKOed by too many things. Since Black Kyurem EX hits for 200 and Blastoise hits Pyroar for 200, there is no real advantage for my opponent.

Both Shauna and Colress go away in favor of 3 N and a Pal Pad. The utility both of the latter provide surpass the Rather Poor draw power from the former.

One Skyla and 2 [W] are being sacrificed in favor of another Pokémon Fan Club and 2 Random Receivers. This one hurt me, but I guess it has potential.

This all changes a lot on how we play with this list.

First, before I get crucified about the Pokémon Fan Club, let me tell you it is a GREAT supporter for T1. It replaces some of the utility Level Ball provided and helps me get all but Blastoise and Electrode to my hand. This includes getting the Exeggcute if I feel I need it and that Voltorb, not to mention all the EX. It is perfect to set a great T1 and becomes nice discard fodder later. I played with it in another decks and I have been loving how it performs.

Random Receiver makes up for the Draw power I lost with less-than-4 N and Skyla. Random Receiver can turn into a bad Supporter but, used wisely, it can get me Lysandre and N, which are useful in the late game. I said Wisely instead of Luckily because when it is down to 2 prizes on both sides, my deck is already thin enough, so Lysandre will be more common in it and late game is when Lysandre shines best. On the beginning, draw power is more present, chances are I will get something nice with it.

Pal Pad assures crucial things get back to the deck and can combo with Random Receiver.

Now, with less energies and more focus on fast builds while trying to make up for the loss of Tropical Beach (which I will never be able to buy anyway), this list now is meant to be played in a fast pace. Dowsing Machine will often recover Sycamores or Ns or even Ultra Balls and Superiors. We won't half energize anything, we will only act with Blastoise and go for the neck of our opponent. We will often Sycamore with a hand full of Energies if Blastoise isn't on the field yet, as Superior Retrieval is more reliable than drawing / Lettering those.

I am eager to try this build, it will be interesting. The original post will be updated soon to reflect those. OP has been updated.

Please, tell me what you think!