Ban/ Forbidden List

In format:

Holon Phantoms
Crystal Guardians
Dragon Frontiers
Power Keepers

DP1- Diamond & Pearl
DP2- Mysterious Treasures
DP3- Secret Wonders
DP4- Great Encounters
DP5- Majestic Dawn
The cards in "Italics" are the cards that suppost to to be rotated at the end of the season. The new season starts 9/1/08. There are no specific cards that are not allowed in tournaments.

*The list above is for Modified Tournaments, not free play.
Ophie said:
aznxknight said:
Ok thnx, but any SPECIFIC cards? Somethinglike professor oak is broken, so is that banned? I only know cards WAY back from base to fossil so new cards I'm clueless.
Somone said slowking is banned. Ancient mew, etc.

Which basically means every card you know that hasn't been reprinted has been banned. If you want to compete in a tournament, you're going to have to get newer cards. (There are a bunch of cards that were rereleased, though only Energy and Trainers.)

The following is a list of sets still legal in tournaments. Everything else is banned:

EX Holon Phantoms (big dot with three smaller dots forming a triangle around it)*
EX Crystal Guardians (a blue sliver)*
EX Dragon Frontiers (a pair of black mountains within a white circle)*
EX Power Keepers (a black circle with a white outline and a white shape inside resembling a man in a trenchcoat)*
Diamond and Pearl (a circle inside a pentagon)
Mysterious Treasures (what liiks like a white bicycle wheel)
Secret Wonders (a swirl resembling a whirlpool)
Great Encounters (a hexagon with three bent spokes coming out from the center)
Majestic Dawn (the sun coming up over the horizon)
POP Series 4 (a Poké Ball with a number "4" next to it)*
POP Series 5 (a Poké Ball with a number "5" next to it)*
POP Series 6 (a Poké Ball with a number "6" next to it)
POP Series 7 (a Poké Ball with a number "7" next to it)
EX Trainer Kit Manaphy/Lucario (a silhouette of Manaphy or Lucario)
Black Star Promos numbered...something or above (a black star with "PROMO" written on it)

The sets marked with a * are the ones people suspect will get phased out in September, after the World Championships have ended, so if you want to make a deck, I advise you not to buy too many cards from those sets, as you won't be able to use them for long.

Oh yeah, and for the record, the sets that came before these were Base Set, Jungle, Fossil, Team Rocket, Gym Heroes, Gym Challenge, Base Set 2, Neo Genesis, Neo Discovery, Neo Revelation, Neo Destiny, Legendary Collection, Expedition, Aquapolis, Skyridge, EX Ruby/Sapphire, EX Sandstorm, EX Dragon, EX Team Magma vs. Team Aqua, EX Hidden Legends, EX FireRed and LeafGreen, EX Team Rocket Returns, EX Deoxys, EX Emerald, EX Unseen Forces, EX Delta Species, EX Legend Maker, POP Series 1-3, Machamp Trainer Kit, EX Trainer Kit Latias/Latios, EX Trainer Kit Plusle/Minun, all Wizards Promos, and Black Star Promos 1 through at least 34. These aren't allowed in tournament unless they were reprinted in legal sets, such as basic Energy, Potion, Switch, and Poké Ball.

just one small fix in bold...
Oh yeah, you're right. 4 and 5 were released in the same year.

I also forgot to mention that sets that have yet to come out become legal upon their release date (but NOT before).
and you cant use a card that hasnt been released in english, and you cant use like a reprint of a card that has different art until its in english too....
I'm not really sure what cards are banned because I play pokemon[online] with RedShark and uhh its kinda hard trying to figure out what cards are banned without images you know...can someone just name sets that are banned or explain to me in a easier way what cards I can't us, Although I would like to bring poke`TCG back to life "online" and get tournaments rolling using MIRC chat for a place to chat and etc... But yeah if you guys can help me i'm sure i'll understand. :)
And btw is cards like Holon Energy WP banned, because it's seriously broken if it's on a water poke`mon with a water energy attached to it?