Baokki's Avatar and Banner Tree


Formerly Chiraami
Welcome to Baokki's Avatar and Banner Tree! As the name suggests, we will make avatars and banners for you. We are currently accepting workers. We use Photoshop and/or Illustrator CS5. 

The Rules:

These are important. They are so important, that if you didn't read them, the wrath if Yoda would come down on you, and you would blacklisted from this shop. 

1. All P B and Slateport Marker rules apply. 

2. Don't harass the employees for the request to be done. Do, and you will be blacklisted. 

3. If you have read the rules, please say something about your favourite Pokémon in the box which says What is your favourite Pokemon, rather than just the name. 

4. Use the forms, or you will be blacklisted. 

BLACKLIST: (These people can't request)
None. Let's keep it that way. 

Avatar Examples:

Banner Examples:



Banner Form:

Username (to confirm the user):
Image (provide the link):
Glow: (yes/no)
Size (in pixels):
What is your favourite Pokemon?:

Avatar Form:

Image: (supply link)
Glow: (yes or no)
Pop out: (Yes or no)
What is your favourite Pokemon?:

If you'd like to be an employee, please post examples and what you can do. If you have no examples, then you won't be accepted. Thank you. 


Request List:
1. Quedus
2. Kevin
Hi Chiraami!

I would very much like you to make me a banner. I trust that your work is great, since I cannot seem to find the link to your deviantART page.

Well, here's my request!


Username (to confirm the user): Quedus
Image (provide the link): Click Here
Text: Quedus & Squirtle, I choose you!
Glow (yes\no): No thank you.
Size (in pixels): 650x250
What is your favourite Pokemon?: Squirtle, really don't know why. He's been my favorite Pokemon since childhood.

Special Notes: I would like the word "Quedus" to be some-what faded and the words "Squirtle, I choose you!" to be should I say, overpowering? Very bold, as if someone was saying it with great force. And with the Text placement , please place "Quedus" somewhere near the top left-hand corner, and have the words "Squirtle, I choose you!" to be somewhere near the bottom right-hand corner. And the most important, could you please crop out some of the Bubble-Beam, so the image is a little more focused on Squirtle, but still keep in some of the Bubble-Beam, but not much. Also, once it is completely cropped, could you please make the image a little bit larger.

Thanks so much guys! I know this is a lot of requests, I'm sorry!

Once again, thank you.
Avatar Form:

Text: Ra2terra
Image: (supply link) couldnt find a good image of tyranitar... if u culd find a good 1, that wuld b great
Glow: (yes or no) no thanks
Pop out: (Yes or no) yes please
Extra: can you make one with popout and one without popout if possible?
What is your favourite Pokemon?:He destroys mountains

Username (to confirm the user):BeastOfBurden
Image (provide the link):
Text: BeastOfBurden
Glow: (yes/no): Yes please
Size: 650x250 (in pixels):
What is your favourite Pokemon?: Sceptile, because he was my first level 100 that i trained. (No rare candys) Also he looks like a giant lizard :p
Username (to confirm the user): Kevin
Image (provide the link):
Text: Combusken, the fire breathing chicken pokemon
Glow: (yes/no) Yes
Size (in pixels): 650x250 pixels
What is your favourite Pokemon?: Well its a fire breathing chicken? thats pretty epic, and I got to like it through the anime when May had one.
Need a banner for my fake game

Username (to confirm the user): pokemaister899(call me FirePokemonMaster or FPM)
Image (provide the link): here ,here , and here
Text: Pokemon Blaze and Pokemon Moonlight Version *use the Pokemon sign I provided for where Pokemon goes*
Glow: (yes/no) nope
Size (in pixels): 650x250 Pixels, shorten or larger it if you think you should
What is your favourite Pokemon?: They are fire types and they are awesome. I really enjoy them and almost always use them in a competitive team.

Also can you make it in 2 sides like Pokemon Blaze in 1 side and Pokemon Moonlight in another?
Yeah Kevin. No pokemaister999. I'll try and do them as soon as poss.

EDIT: Ra2terra's Done.



And BeastOfBurden's.


You're welcome. And pokemaister, yours isn't being done. If you can find out why, and replay th form correctly, then it will be done. If this happens again, I know you haven't read the rules and will smitten by Yoda (a.k.a blacklisting).
Banner Form:

Username (to confirm the user): Pok'eMaster
Image (provide the link):,r:1,s:0&tx=142&ty=91
Text: "Bug off, I'm just about to win!"
Glow: (yes/no) YES
Size (in pixels): 650x250
What is your favourite Pokemon?: Gyarados is SO awesome it can do hyper beam!