4-4-4 poliwrath (40 damage and discards an energy from other players pokemon)
2-2-2 blastoise (attaches an extra water energy once per turn)
2 porygon (changes other players weakness to a type of my choice)
4x super energy removal
(discard an energy from your pokemon to discard 2 from other players pokemon)
4x energy removal
(discard an energy from other players pokemon)
4x computer search
(kinda like pokemon communication but different)
4x prof oak
(discard your hand, draw 7 cards)
4x energy retrival
(gets back energy from discard pile)
okay basicly i set up poliwrath and blastoise. discard with poliwrath, energy removal, and super energy remval. but with super energy removal i have to discard an energy from my pokemon (which will be poliwrath) so blastiose is basicly there to stack poliwrath with energy so it can still attack porygon is basicly to stall haha idk. and i have energy retrival too which is good for this deck i would throw in a few junk arms. but thoes arnt base set. if you want to sugest changes to the deck, please only sugest cards from BASE SET!! thank you
2-2-2 blastoise (attaches an extra water energy once per turn)
2 porygon (changes other players weakness to a type of my choice)
4x super energy removal
(discard an energy from your pokemon to discard 2 from other players pokemon)
4x energy removal
(discard an energy from other players pokemon)
4x computer search
(kinda like pokemon communication but different)
4x prof oak
(discard your hand, draw 7 cards)
4x energy retrival
(gets back energy from discard pile)
okay basicly i set up poliwrath and blastoise. discard with poliwrath, energy removal, and super energy remval. but with super energy removal i have to discard an energy from my pokemon (which will be poliwrath) so blastiose is basicly there to stack poliwrath with energy so it can still attack porygon is basicly to stall haha idk. and i have energy retrival too which is good for this deck i would throw in a few junk arms. but thoes arnt base set. if you want to sugest changes to the deck, please only sugest cards from BASE SET!! thank you