Ruling Basics

Of Coz NO....

No basic, how are you goign to play?
Playing evolution without basic... That's kinda smart or is just 'out of the box'...
You must have at least one basic or the game can't start. Fossils do not count as basics because they are trainer cards until they are active. If you are considering a plan to deck your opponent, remember that drawing a mulligan is at the option of the opponent it is not mandatory.
You must have at least one Basic Pokemon to have a legal deck. Fossils do not count toward this. It must be an actual Pokemon card.

WinkWinkNudgeNudge said:
You must have at least one basic or the game can't start. Fossils do not count as basics because they are trainer cards until they are active.

Incorrect. Fossils count as Basic Pokemon during setup. You can't mulligan a hand with a Fossil; you must place the Fossil as your starter if it's your only option. However, they also still count as Trainers, so you can't play them to the Bench if you take the first turn.
WinkWinkNudgeNudge said:
You must have at least one basic or the game can't start. Fossils do not count as basics because they are trainer cards until they are active. If you are considering a plan to deck your opponent, remember that drawing a mulligan is at the option of the opponent it is not mandatory.

fossil are alowed to be played as a basic at the start. Yes, you do have to have basics though.
imagine having only one gosh.1 in 60=if ur opponent drew the first 7 plus 6 prize.thats 13.

then 60-13=47

47 times ur opponent draw cards.and to wait u get a hand of one basic..intelligent way to win....dont u think.ur opponent sure runs out of deck
Hold on a sec Kaga. Since when is it so that you MUST have basics other as Fossils in your deck?
Lou Cypher said:
Hold on a sec Kaga. Since when is it so that you MUST have basics other as Fossils in your deck?

Because it is in the rulebook.
It's a game rule that you must have at least 1 Basic Pokemon in your deck. A "Basic Pokemon" is considered a Pokemon with "Basic" as the Pokemon's evolution Stage.

So yes you need something else as Fossils, because in your deck they are NOT counting as Basic.
Well, if that ain't gonna wreck a lot of deck ideas some guys had then I do not know what will.