Battle Frontier - Pokemon Card Quiz

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m0nster1nc: 699
Ice Pokemon Master: 645
chimaera_ex: 551
Pok3M@ni@c: 541
Dudeman1993: 83
Flygon: 72
Darkness Pokemon Master: 20
Ghost Pokemon Master: 20
Master of the Six Kings: 17
Whicker: 13
Lugia58: 12
Light Venusaur: 1
Cheesepuff1995: 1

ROUND 230:
1. Name the pokemon & its edition that has the "Double Lariat" attack... (4p)
2. Name the pokemon & its evolution line that has the "Triple Poison" attack.... (2p)

m0nster1nc: 699
Ice Pokemon Master: 645
Pok3M@ni@c: 557
chimaera_ex: 551
Dudeman1993: 83
Flygon: 72
Darkness Pokemon Master: 20
Ghost Pokemon Master: 20
Master of the Six Kings: 17
Whicker: 13
Lugia58: 12
Light Venusaur: 1
Cheesepuff1995: 1

I'll post the questions later...
1. Name 4 pokemon & its edition that has the "Rising Lunge" attack.... (8p)
2. Name the pokemon & its edition that has the "Nap" attack... (2p)
3. Name the pokemon & its evolution that has the "Horn Swipe" attack... (2p)
4. Name 2 pokemon, edition & its evolution that has the "Defense Curl" attack... (6p)
5. Name the pokemon & its pre-evolution that has the "Dark Fire" attack... (2p)
6. Name 2 pokemon & its pre-evolutions that has the "Mega Burn" attack... (4p)
7. Name the pokemon, edition & its number that has the "Beatdown" attack... (6p)
8. Guess the pokemon below: (40p)
a. S _ _ _ _ _ _
b. S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - A Baby Pokemon
c. E _ _ _ i _
d. _ _ _ _ _ n k
e. B _ _ _ _ e _ - A Stage 2 Pokemon & its not a D/P pokemon
1. Spinirak TRR, Serodactyl SKR, Anorith ?, Cacnea CG
2. Jigglypuff SKR
3. Seaking that doens't evolve
4. Marill NeoGen-Azumarill, Spheal PK-Sealeo
7. Poliwrath UF 11
m0nster1nc said:
1. Spinirak TRR, Serodactyl SKR, Anorith ?, Cacnea CG
2. Jigglypuff SKR
3. Seaking that doens't evolve
4. Marill NeoGen-Azumarill, Spheal PK-Sealeo

All correct...

HINT for number 5: m1, the answer for number is your favorite pokemon.. :p

EDIT: Poliwrath is correct...
1.Larvitar AQ, Makuhita DX, Omanyte LM, Seaking Neo Rev
2.Krabby RG
4.Brock's Sandshrew Gym Heroes-Brock's Sandslash, Spheal PK-Sealeo
5.Dark Houndoom Dark Houndoom-Houndour
6.Aggron ex CG- Aggron ex-Lairon Sabrina's Alakazam Sabrina's Alakazam-Sabrina's Kadabra
7. Poliwrath UF 11
m1: you have earned 36 points...
PM: you have earned 32 points, please do not guess 2 answer at once for number 8...
b_j: you have earned 22 points...

So the only questions left are 8b, c & e...
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