Pok3M@ni@c: 839
m0nster1nc: 789
Ice Pokemon Master: 714
chimaera_ex: 551
Dudeman1993: 83
Flygon: 72
Jigglypuff13: 47
Master of the Six Kings: 42
Aqua Enigma: 42
d master342: 25
Darkness Pokemon Master: 20
Ghost Pokemon Master: 20
Whicker: 13
Lugia58: 12
Light Venusaur: 1
Cheesepuff1995: 1
ROUND 250:
1. Name the pokemon & its evolution line that has the "Depth Charge" attack... (4p)
2. Name the pokemon & its edition that has the "Mega Shock" attack... (2p)
Wow...this is already the top 7th "Most Replied To Thread". What an Achievement PPM. This is the most active BF thread so far. The original BF thread was even defeated with a rank of 13th "Most Replied To Thread". Kudos to your knowledge of the TCG. This is a special one of a kind item, I'll give you.
-Maximizes all Ev's, using total Ev's, instead of current Ev's.
cool, thanks Sol...
So you mean I can use my maximum EV(1025) to divide my stats instead of my current EV & if my maximum EV increases, I'll divide normally right??
1.Raichu ML - Raichu is correct but I'm not asking for its edition
2.Lt.Surge's Magneton - You need to state which edition is Lt. Surge's Magneton from