Lieutenant Houndoom: 1828
Pok3M@ni@c: 1273
Ice Pokemon Master: 714
chimaera_ex: 551
Master of the Six Kings: 119
Dragon Rider of PokeBeach: 86
Dudeman1993: 83
Flygon: 72
Aqua Enigma: 58
Jigglypuff13: 47
d master342: 44
MCD: 34
Darkness Pokemon Master: 20
Ghost Pokemon Master: 20
Whicker: 13
Lugia58: 12
Light Venusaur: 1
Cheesepuff1995: 1
ROUND 331:
1. Name the pokemon & its edition that has the "Persim Berry" poke-body... (2p)
2. Name the pokemon & its pre-evolution that has the "Poison Sac" poke-body... (4p)
Lieutenant Houndoom: 1844
Pok3M@ni@c: 1273
Ice Pokemon Master: 714
chimaera_ex: 551
Master of the Six Kings: 135
Dragon Rider of PokeBeach: 86
Dudeman1993: 83
Flygon: 72
Aqua Enigma: 58
Jigglypuff13: 47
d master342: 44
MCD: 34
Darkness Pokemon Master: 20
Ghost Pokemon Master: 20
Whicker: 13
Lugia58: 12
Light Venusaur: 1
Cheesepuff1995: 1
I'll post the questions in a short while...
EDIT: Here comes the next round...
ROUND 333:
1. Name the pokemon & its pre-evolution that has the "Ethereal Flame" attack... (4p)
2. Name the pokemon & its edition that can destroy a Pokemon Tool deck easily(well, sort of)... (2p)