L Lieutenant Houndoom Back from the... Member Mar 4, 2007 #201 RE: The Pokemon Letterdrop Game! Click here to buy many BF things! Aron Metal.
I Ice Pokemon Master The Amazing Race/Heroes>You Member Mar 5, 2007 #203 Correct! Scoreboard: PPM:163 Flygon:44 PMJ:30 m0nster1nc:20 Senor Noobnerd:10 Dudeman1993:9 Exploud Ex: 4 Pok3M@ni@c:4 Johnonb:3 ROUND 36: 1. BCD ALW FAM EZY IRG USK PES NTA, FLA KSI JRS NSE 2. BCD ALW FAM EZY IRG USK PES NTA, FLA KSI JRS NSE Off-topic: I made another game for the Battle Frontier...
Correct! Scoreboard: PPM:163 Flygon:44 PMJ:30 m0nster1nc:20 Senor Noobnerd:10 Dudeman1993:9 Exploud Ex: 4 Pok3M@ni@c:4 Johnonb:3 ROUND 36: 1. BCD ALW FAM EZY IRG USK PES NTA, FLA KSI JRS NSE 2. BCD ALW FAM EZY IRG USK PES NTA, FLA KSI JRS NSE Off-topic: I made another game for the Battle Frontier...
I Ice Pokemon Master The Amazing Race/Heroes>You Member Mar 5, 2007 #205 2nd part of the quoestion correct...
I Ice Pokemon Master The Amazing Race/Heroes>You Member Mar 5, 2007 #207 Is Chimchar even there?
I Ice Pokemon Master The Amazing Race/Heroes>You Member Mar 6, 2007 #209 Reverse of what Pok3M@ni@c said...
Psychic Pokemon Master Aspiring Trainer Member Mar 7, 2007 #210 I can't understand your hint... Can you clarify it please??
I Ice Pokemon Master The Amazing Race/Heroes>You Member Mar 7, 2007 #211 Pok3M@ni@c said: 1.Blaziken,Fire 2.Camerupt,Fire Click to expand... answer of no. 1 is no.2 and vice versa opps! Just gave the answer! understood?
Pok3M@ni@c said: 1.Blaziken,Fire 2.Camerupt,Fire Click to expand... answer of no. 1 is no.2 and vice versa opps! Just gave the answer! understood?
Psychic Pokemon Master Aspiring Trainer Member Mar 7, 2007 #212 ooo, now i understand, thanks... 1. Camerupt, Fire... 2. Blaziken, Fire...
I Ice Pokemon Master The Amazing Race/Heroes>You Member Mar 8, 2007 #214 Correct! Scoreboard: PPM:167 Flygon:44 PMJ:30 m0nster1nc:20 Senor Noobnerd:10 Dudeman1993:9 Pok3M@ni@c:8 Exploud Ex: 4 Johnonb:3 ROUND 37: 1. LAR KSA KSL TAE SKA, KSP NES YDA 2. KSF LSA JYS MGE OAA JNS, KDA NAR UNA KSG KSO NDE
Correct! Scoreboard: PPM:167 Flygon:44 PMJ:30 m0nster1nc:20 Senor Noobnerd:10 Dudeman1993:9 Pok3M@ni@c:8 Exploud Ex: 4 Johnonb:3 ROUND 37: 1. LAR KSA KSL TAE SKA, KSP NES YDA 2. KSF LSA JYS MGE OAA JNS, KDA NAR UNA KSG KSO NDE
I Ice Pokemon Master The Amazing Race/Heroes>You Member Mar 9, 2007 #217 Correct! Scoreboard: PPM:175 Flygon:44 PMJ:30 m0nster1nc:20 Senor Noobnerd:10 Dudeman1993:9 Pok3M@ni@c:8 Exploud Ex: 4 Johnonb:3 ROUND 38: 1. KSN ISA LSD OSF LRA SMA HSN LFM, LPE LSO KDI SKC LDO JNF 2. KPS LIS JAC KSH USD, KSE MDL EAS KCF
Correct! Scoreboard: PPM:175 Flygon:44 PMJ:30 m0nster1nc:20 Senor Noobnerd:10 Dudeman1993:9 Pok3M@ni@c:8 Exploud Ex: 4 Johnonb:3 ROUND 38: 1. KSN ISA LSD OSF LRA SMA HSN LFM, LPE LSO KDI SKC LDO JNF 2. KPS LIS JAC KSH USD, KSE MDL EAS KCF
Psychic Pokemon Master Aspiring Trainer Member Mar 9, 2007 #219 1. Nidoran(M), Poison?? 2. Pichu, Elec..
I Ice Pokemon Master The Amazing Race/Heroes>You Member Mar 9, 2007 #220 no. 1 first part is incorrect...