Finished Battle Frontier - Who's that Pokemon??

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Please state the number or position of the pokemon if you only answer 1 pokemon...
Anyway, the middle pokemon is Prinplup & the 3rd pokemon is Mantine, so correct to those who had answered the pokemon...

HINT for the 1st pokemon: It's a Basic Pokemon...
Once I check the answer, like the one on post No.805, you can't state the answer anymore.
So now, you can only guess the answer for the 1st pokemon...
Anyway, Chikorita is not the answer...
SPM: Correct & you have earned 10 points...
cool: Wrong...
9tails, DRoP, b_b & E_M: Correct & you have earned 3 points...
riolu_ranger: Correct, you have 13 points & welcome to this game.... :D

Pok3M@ni@c: 699
Master of the 6 Kings: 297
Aqua Enigma: 169
Dragon Rider of PokeBeach: 117
Pika: 116
Ice Pokemon Master: 105
d master342: 98
Sasuke_Uchiha: 74
Togeshroob: 72
ssb4ever: 68
Jigglypuff13: 67
ShinyLatias: 52
Steel Pokemon Master: 52
PalkiaROXS: 42
Zaroco: 42
pokemonfreak359: 36
Lieutenant Houndoom: 33
Absol: 30
Eevee_Master: 25
KeybladePokemon: 22
emperte: 20
CrazyAipom: 18
broko_bear: 15
MCD: 14
riolu_ranger: 13
PokeLen: 12
saintrby: 12
Holon's Hero: 11
Magnezone: 11
eevee: 10
Tyrone: 10
9tails: 9
Prince of the Sea: 7
Sam von Noobenschtein: 6
pokeking: 4
psyblazer_ex: 4
freakysmiley: 3
Andyman: 2
King Deoxazard: 2
Pokemonwebsurfer: 2
Typhlosionex*: 2
Dudeman1993: 2

ROUND 111:
Who's that pokemon?
Mot6k, SPM, r_r & pokemonfreak359: Correct & you have earned 16 points...
9tails & KbP: Correct & you have earned 2 points...

Pok3M@ni@c: 699
Master of the 6 Kings: 313
Aqua Enigma: 169
Dragon Rider of PokeBeach: 117
Pika: 116
Ice Pokemon Master: 105
d master342: 98
Sasuke_Uchiha: 74
Togeshroob: 72
Steel Pokemon Master: 68
ssb4ever: 68
Jigglypuff13: 67
pokemonfreak359: 52
ShinyLatias: 52
PalkiaROXS: 42
Zaroco: 42
Lieutenant Houndoom: 33
Absol: 30
riolu_ranger: 29
Eevee_Master: 25
KeybladePokemon: 24
emperte: 20
CrazyAipom: 18
broko_bear: 15
MCD: 14
PokeLen: 12
saintrby: 12
9tails: 11
Holon's Hero: 11
Magnezone: 11
eevee: 10
Tyrone: 10
Prince of the Sea: 7
Sam von Noobenschtein: 6
pokeking: 4
psyblazer_ex: 4
freakysmiley: 3
Andyman: 2
King Deoxazard: 2
Pokemonwebsurfer: 2
Typhlosionex*: 2
Dudeman1993: 2

I'll post the questions in a short while...
ROUND 112:
Who's that pokemon?
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