Finished Battle Frontier - Who's that Pokemon??

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Ok, the answer IS Gallade. So,
All of you have earned 16 points. Wow, first time all the answer has an image with it... :p

Pok3M@ni@c: 715
Zoidburg: 611
Serjant_Tankian: 422
d master342: 369
Eevee Master: 211
Aqua Enigma: 169
pokemonfreak359: 148
Dragon Rider of PokeBeach: 119
Pika: 116
Zaroco: 107
Ice Pokémon Master: 105
riolu_ranger: 103
broko_bear: 100
Togeshroob: 77
Sasuke_Uchiha: 74
ssb4ever: 74
Dawnfanboy: 73
Jigglypuff13: 67
cyborgdarkrai: 64
Aquajet_23: 60
ShinyLatias: 52
Moneyking63: 52
PalkiaROXS: 42
Lieutenant Houndoom: 33
Treecko Boy: 33
Absol: 30
9tails: 20
emperte: 20
helpme: 18
PokeLen: 18
CrazyAipom: 18
Pyro-CJ: 16
MCD: 14
ArmaldoEX: 12
pearled-kiony: 12
Jason Rules: 12
Bonsly: 12
saintrby: 12
Kingdra1996: 11
Holon's Hero: 11
Magnezone: 11
eevee: 10
Tyrone: 10
WooperWarrior: 8
torteziken: 8
cool: 7
Prince of the Sea: 7
elias_jnr: 6
shaymingiratina8717: 6
Sam von Noobenschtein: 6
4me4them: 6
Monferno11: 6
DarknessMaster: 6
Wierdmin: 6
pokedude101: 6
Liam: 5
SnorlaxShamen: 5
Bellomence: 4
The Fallen: 4
Chazz9: 4
Konoha's_Hero: 4
pokeking: 4
psyblazer_ex: 4
Serebii1997: 4
beachdudelbi: 2
LucarioMistress: 2
mustangqb13: 2
freakysmiley: 3
Groudon45: 2
sylvosdono: 2
electimortar: 2
LordZapdos: 2
Blazing Pokemon Master: 2
Sylar: 2
Chatot: 2
Andyman: 2
RunningWithScizors: 2
Rai_Guy_15: 2
bulbasaur45: 2
King Deoxazard: 2
Pokemonwebsurfer: 2
Typhlosionex*: 2
Dudeman1993: 2

ROUND 164:
Who's that pokemon??
Yes. The answer is Rotom. So;
All of you have earned 16 points, wow again... :p
AJ_23: Can you please stop asking that. I'm not 24/7 free...

Pok3M@ni@c: 715
Zoidburg: 627
Serjant_Tankian: 422
d master342: 385
Eevee Master: 211
Aqua Enigma: 169
pokemonfreak359: 148
Pika: 132
Dragon Rider of PokeBeach: 119
Zaroco: 107
Ice Pokémon Master: 105
riolu_ranger: 103
broko_bear: 100
Dawnfanboy: 89
Togeshroob: 77
Aquajet_23: 76
Sasuke_Uchiha: 74
ssb4ever: 74
Moneyking63: 68
Jigglypuff13: 67
cyborgdarkrai: 64
ShinyLatias: 52
PalkiaROXS: 42
Lieutenant Houndoom: 33
Treecko Boy: 33
Absol: 30
9tails: 20
emperte: 20
helpme: 18
PokeLen: 18
CrazyAipom: 18
Pyro-CJ: 16
MCD: 14
ArmaldoEX: 12
pearled-kiony: 12
Jason Rules: 12
Bonsly: 12
saintrby: 12
Kingdra1996: 11
Holon's Hero: 11
Magnezone: 11
eevee: 10
Tyrone: 10
WooperWarrior: 8
torteziken: 8
cool: 7
Prince of the Sea: 7
elias_jnr: 6
shaymingiratina8717: 6
Sam von Noobenschtein: 6
4me4them: 6
Monferno11: 6
DarknessMaster: 6
Wierdmin: 6
pokedude101: 6
Liam: 5
SnorlaxShamen: 5
Bellomence: 4
The Fallen: 4
Chazz9: 4
Konoha's_Hero: 4
pokeking: 4
psyblazer_ex: 4
Serebii1997: 4
beachdudelbi: 2
LucarioMistress: 2
mustangqb13: 2
freakysmiley: 3
Groudon45: 2
sylvosdono: 2
electimortar: 2
LordZapdos: 2
Blazing Pokemon Master: 2
Sylar: 2
Chatot: 2
Andyman: 2
RunningWithScizors: 2
Rai_Guy_15: 2
bulbasaur45: 2
King Deoxazard: 2
Pokemonwebsurfer: 2
Typhlosionex*: 2
Dudeman1993: 2

ROUND 165:

I have a major announcement to make. Instead of just doing regular rounds & Bonus rounds after every 10 rounds, I have to decided to come out with a FAST POINTS round. This round happens only once in a blue moon, that means very rare. I will notify you all before this FAST POINTS round happen in 1 of the regular rounds before it & whoever posted in that round before it are eligible to participate in that Special Round PROVIDED you get answer CORRECT. The rules can be seen below;

1. This round only happens once in a blue moon, which means not very often.
2. If you get the answer correct in round before it, you will receive the question from me, via PM.
3. If you answer the FAST POINTS round question correct, you WILL get 300 POINTS but conditions are apply in this case;
a. You are given 3 days to answer the question & no regular rounds will commence during that 3 days.
b. Only 1 person will get the points. That means whoever answers correct first will earned that 300 points or less depending on whether you requested for clue or not & you MUST reply the answer via PM.
c. Each player is given 1 chance only, if you answer the question wrong, then you cannot answer it anymore. So, think wisely before sending the answers to me.
4. The question will be pokemons that has been fusioned by me & you have to answer like this;
Head: ?
Body: ?
Hand: ?
Wings(Not always): ?
Leg: ?

You must answer like that. There will be at least 5 parts in all FAST POINTS round. Each parts is worth 60 points. So, you will get 60 points if you answered each part correctly...

5. Last but not least, this FAST POINTS round will start immediately after this round.
Woah, new round coming up. I better get ready. :eek:



dmaster out.
I was going to say magmar, then I didn't see the back spikes, it kinda looked like gligar for a second cause I saw the hand, then I checked gliscor and WHA LA!
Yes, Gliscor is the answer. So;
d master342, Mk63 & AJ_23: You have earned 16 points & you are now qualified to enter the first ever FAST POINTS round. :D You will receive the questions after this post & read the rules again, if needed too...

Pok3M@ni@c: 715
Zoidburg: 627
Serjant_Tankian: 422
d master342: 401
Eevee Master: 211
Aqua Enigma: 169
pokemonfreak359: 148
Pika: 132
Dragon Rider of PokeBeach: 119
Zaroco: 107
Ice Pokémon Master: 105
riolu_ranger: 103
broko_bear: 100
Aquajet_23: 92
Dawnfanboy: 89
Moneyking63: 84
Togeshroob: 77
Sasuke_Uchiha: 74
ssb4ever: 74
Jigglypuff13: 67
cyborgdarkrai: 64
ShinyLatias: 52
PalkiaROXS: 42
Lieutenant Houndoom: 33
Treecko Boy: 33
Absol: 30
9tails: 20
emperte: 20
helpme: 18
PokeLen: 18
CrazyAipom: 18
Pyro-CJ: 16
MCD: 14
ArmaldoEX: 12
pearled-kiony: 12
Jason Rules: 12
Bonsly: 12
saintrby: 12
Kingdra1996: 11
Holon's Hero: 11
Magnezone: 11
eevee: 10
Tyrone: 10
WooperWarrior: 8
torteziken: 8
cool: 7
Prince of the Sea: 7
elias_jnr: 6
shaymingiratina8717: 6
Sam von Noobenschtein: 6
4me4them: 6
Monferno11: 6
DarknessMaster: 6
Wierdmin: 6
pokedude101: 6
Liam: 5
SnorlaxShamen: 5
Bellomence: 4
The Fallen: 4
Chazz9: 4
Konoha's_Hero: 4
pokeking: 4
psyblazer_ex: 4
Serebii1997: 4
beachdudelbi: 2
LucarioMistress: 2
mustangqb13: 2
freakysmiley: 3
Groudon45: 2
sylvosdono: 2
electimortar: 2
LordZapdos: 2
Blazing Pokemon Master: 2
Sylar: 2
Chatot: 2
Andyman: 2
RunningWithScizors: 2
Rai_Guy_15: 2
bulbasaur45: 2
King Deoxazard: 2
Pokemonwebsurfer: 2
Typhlosionex*: 2
Dudeman1993: 2

There will be no Regular Rounds for the next 3 days UNLESS someone got the answer correct within the next 3 days.

- d master342
- Moneyking63
- Aquajet_23
Aquajet_23 said:
Will the fusions be shaded again? Bacause that will be very hard....

Yes, I forgot to mention that. The fusioned pokemon will be shaded or else it would be easy. That is why the reward is very high & you are given 3 days to answer it...

So, Good Luck to everyone... :D
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