The answer is Cubone. So:
sonicyellow, d master342 & Zoidburg: You have earned 16 points...
zone getter: You have earned 2 points & welcome to this game...
Flygon999: You have earned 2 points & welcome to this game...
mystery_ghost: You have earned 2 points & welcome to this game...
Serebii1997 & -He-Man-: You have earned 2 points...
furroshi man: Lol. XD Err, only Pokemon image are allowed, sorry. So, you have earned 2 points...
The ViD: You have earned 2 points & welcome to this game.
By the way, just edit your answer in your 1st post if you have a new answer. You don't have to post a new answer.
Zoidburg: 938
Pok3M@ni@c: 825
d master342: 824
Serjant_Tankian: 422
Aquajet_23: 272
Dawnfanboy: 215
Eevee Master: 211
Aqua Enigma: 169
pokemonfreak359: 148
Pika: 132
Dragon Rider of PokeBeach: 119
Zaroco: 107
Ice Pokémon Master: 105
riolu_ranger: 103
broko_bear: 100
Moneyking63: 84
Togeshroob: 77
Sasuke_Uchiha: 74
ssb4ever: 74
Jigglypuff13: 67
cyborgdarkrai: 64
ShinyLatias: 52
chill_glacia: 50
riskbreakers: 46
PalkiaROXS: 42
Lieutenant Houndoom: 33
Treecko Boy: 33
shaymingiratina8717: 33
furroshi man: 32
Pokemaster92: 32
Serebii1997: 31
Bonsly: 31
sonicyellow: 31
Absol: 30
9tails: 20
emperte: 20
helpme: 18
PokeLen: 18
CrazyAipom: 18
-He-Man-: 17
Bulbasaur45: 17
LordZapdos: 17
blowup.b: 16
Pyro-CJ: 16
MCD: 14
ArmaldoEX: 12
pearled-kiony: 12
Jason Rules: 12
saintrby: 12
Kingdra1996: 11
Holon's Hero: 11
Magnezone: 11
eevee: 10
Tyrone: 10
Mudkip711: 8
WooperWarrior: 8
torteziken: 8
cool: 7
Prince of the Sea: 7
Rai_Guy_15: 6
elias_jnr: 6
Sam von Noobenschtein: 6
4me4them: 6
Monferno11: 6
DarknessMaster: 6
Wierdmin: 6
pokedude101: 6
Liam: 5
SnorlaxShamen: 5
Bellomence: 4
The Fallen: 4
Chazz9: 4
Konoha's_Hero: 4
pokeking: 4
psyblazer_ex: 4
The Dark Toxicroak: 3
zone getter: 2
Flygon999: 2
mystery_ghost: 2
The ViD: 2
MylesPower: 2
UchihaBlood: 2
Pokemaster2: 2
my little duck: 2
beachdudelbi: 2
LucarioMistress: 2
mustangqb13: 2
Groudon45: 2
sylvosdono: 2
electimortar: 2
Blazing Pokemon Master: 2
Sylar: 2
Chatot: 2
Andyman: 2
RunningWithScizors: 2
King Deoxazard: 2
Pokemonwebsurfer: 2
Typhlosionex*: 2
Dudeman1993: 2
ROUND 182:
Who's that pokemon?