Buizel: sea weasle pokemon
Pokedex number: 56 sinnoh,418 national.
Info It: swims by rotating it's two tail's like a screw. When it dive's it's flotation sac collapses
gender: 50% male, 50% female.
ability: swift swim.
Wild hold item: wecan berry.
weight: 73.9
Height: 2'04"
type: water
color category: Orange,White blue and yellow.
Move pool:
Basic: sonicboom
basic: growl
Basic: water sport
lv.3: quick attack
lv.6: Water gun
lv.10: Pursuit
lv.15: swift
lv.21: aqua jet
lv.28: agility
lv.36: Whirlpool
lv.45: Razor wind
Egg group: Water 1/Field
Egg moves: Mud slap,headbutt,fury swipes,slash,oder sleuth,double slap,fury cutter and baton pass.