XY Battle Maison: Horror Stories, Triumphs, and/or Team Builds

Galaxy Hunter

Shiny Mega Quest!
Didn't see a thread for this, so I thought I'd make one. I've been trying to get to the coveted 50 win streak in any of the Battle Maison's modes for quite some time now. I'm partial to the Super Doubles, but I've tried all the modes to see how far I can get. However, I've never been able to crack 40 before getting taken out by (usually) an incredibly cheap shot from the AI.

For example: earlier today I was trying to relax before my big test this evening, so I decided to try my luck at Super Singles. I got about, oh, 20 wins in before my entire team (listed below) was taken out by a Nasty Plot/Confuse Ray/Air Slash Crobat, which was the AI's first Pokémon. It would confuse my Pokémon right off the [Cro]bat (hah), then destroy them with Air Slash. My Pokémon would always a) Flinch or b) punch themselves in the face from the confusion. It was infuriating!

"Ripley" Kangaskan @Kangaskanite
252 Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
Sucker Punch
Power-Up Punch

I led with her, tried to Sucker Punch the stupid Bat because I knew it would outspeed me. Instead it used Confuse Ray, then boosted up while Ripley repeatedly punched herself in the face and killed her with Air Slash.

"Teresa" Blissey @Leftovers
Natural Cure
252 HP/252 Def/ 4 Sp Def

Sent out Teresa next, tried to burn it with a Flamethrower but it fired off another Confuse Ray which a) produced a 5-turn confusion and b) caused her to hit herself 5 times in a row. Managed to get off one Flamethrower (which did diddly squat) before she finally died.

"Xenomorph" Gliscor @Toxic Orb
Poison Heal
Not sure about the exact EV spread actually, but he's been trained
Ice Fang

...It was quick...

Stupid Crobat...

However, there was also a triumph a few weeks ago when I managed to out-stall an enemy's Reuniclus. We were both down to our last Pokémon. Mine was Lockheed, my (paralyzed) Skarmory. Despite being a physical wall, Lockheed managed to tank that blob's special hits rather well until it completely ran out of damaging moves. And since I was paralyzed and the AI was brutally unfair and only let me move one in five times (thank God it doesn't take PP if you're paralyzed), I just had to spam Roost to occasionally refill my HP until the stupid thing ran out of PP for Energy Ball and Recover. Then it was forced to try and use Trick Room ten times in a row until even that failed. And then it struggled itself to death. I was laughing so hard when I won that one. :D

So, how about it? Anyone else have some moments of pure triumph or epic fails they'd like to share? What team(s) do you usually run when trying to beat the Maison?
I tend to consecutively get 30-45 in the masion.
I run,

Infernape @ Life Orb/Choice Band/Focus Sash
Iron Fist;
252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 Def
Close Combat
Thunder Punch
Flare Blitz/Flamethrower/Fire Punch
Fake Out/Shadow Claw

Lead, always manages to knock out 1-2 Pokemon. Great coverage and an all out attacker.

Garchomp @ Choice Scarf
Rough Skin
252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 Hp
Fire Fang
Iron Tail
Dragon Claw/Outrage

I always feel I have too many physical attackers and not enough special attackers or walls. But Garchomp and Infernape always run so well together. If Infernape can't kill the poke, Garchomp can come in and revenge kill. Easy.

Jellicent @ Leftovers
Water Absorb
252 Sp. Def / 252 Hp / 4 Sp. Atk

Bish, Bash, Bosh. Easy to stall out and if Infernape is in troubble from a incoming water attack, jelly is there to absorb all dat Hp.

There is the set I usually run to get 30-45 in Super Singles. More sets include

Greninja @ Life Orb
Crawdaunt @ Focus Sash/ Life Orb
Cacuturn @ Focus Sash
Chansey @ Evolite
Scrafty @ Lum Berry
Mandibuzz @ Rocky Helmet
Bisharp @ Weakness Policy
Sceptile @ Focus Sash/Life Orb
Espeon @ Leftovers
Manetric @ Manetricite
Breloom @ Choice Band/Toxic Orb/Life Orb
Talonflame @ Choice Band/Shell Bell/Leftovers/Life Orb
Gyarados @ Gyardosite
Metagross @ Rocky Helmet/Lefovers/Choice Band
Klefki @ Leftovers
Scizor @ Scizorite/Choice Band
Aegislash @ Weakness Policy
Nidoking @ Life Orb
Crobat @ Choice Specs/Life Orb/Choice Band
Noviern @ Choice Specs
Porygon 2 @ Evolite
Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
I'm currently running Super Triples with a delightful set I found somewhere on the Internet, I call it the SafeBlock Power-Up Set. I lead with a Meowstic (Male) @Light Clay, Greninja @Life Orb, and Kangaskhan @Kangaskhanite. Meowstic lays down a Safeguard immediately and Greninja does a Mat Block, which has the combined effect of protecting Kangaskhan from damage and status the first turn, with which she gets in a double Power-Up Punch hit. Essentially this sets up a free Swords Dance with damage, no reprisal, and a chance to do limited scouting of their movesets. After this Greninja slips into full-on attack mode and starts taking out as many of them as she can while Meowstic throws up dual screens for protection (priority going to whichever type of offense the enemy is using the most) and then bugs out. For backup I'm running a Specially Defensive Goodra @Assault Vest, Physically Defensive Gliscor @Toxic Orb, and a Stall/Support Blissey @Leftovers. So far so good! If someone wants the full specs of the team, I'll post it later!

Update: I'm on the 40th Battle so far, just had two heart-stopping moments, one where the AI threw a Garchomp, Drapion, and Haxorus at me all at once (still don't know how I made it through that) and the next one had a Taunt!Crobat/Boufallant Combo that I barely weathered. Now things are back to normal, thankfully and I'm owning and... what the hell?! Since when can Luxray learn Superpower?!?!?!

Update 2: Holy Crap, the AI threw a team of Legendaries at me and my Pokémon took 'em down! I can't believe Greninja is faster than a Freakin' Latios! And Ripley killed three before they got her. Sniff, I'm so proud! 42 Battles down, 8 more to go!

Update 3: Made it to 50, about to challenge Chatelaine, wish me luck!

Update 4: Bam! We won!
On a streak of 48 my team had encountered a Walrein. The AI hax and so that Walrein survived a blow that should have killed and then hax with 100% Sheer Cold. >_>

Greninja (Modest, Protean)
Hidden Power (Fighting)
Ice Beam
Dark Pulse

Scizor (Adamant, Technician)
Bullet Punch
Bug Bite
Swords Dance

Gardevoir (Modest, Trace)
Dazzling Gleam
Calm Mind

I knew the AI would pull something to beat me but THAT... that was just unfair.
My team that got me to a streak of almost 200 looked something like this:

- Fake Out
- Return
- Earthquake
- Sucker Punch

Azumarill@Choice Band
- Play Rough
- Waterfall
- Aqua Jet
- Belly Drum

Dragonite@Lum Berry
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Outrage

Mega Kangaskhan handles a ton of threats, and the stuff that she can't are dominated by Azumarill. Don't underestimate Mega Kangaskhan's bulk; those defensive increases have allowed her to live things I thought she normally couldn't. The only reason I lost when I did is thanks to a Cresselia who spammed DT and Toxic, and Dragonite's +3 Outrage didn't OHKO (did like 99% though), I missed the second hit, and then killed myself in confusion + poison damage.
A couple of amusing notes from my Triple Battle run:

I was facing a team with a Mandibuzz right in front of my Kangaskhan, and I pulled off the Opening Gambit flawlessly. Ripley was protected while she set up, got the double Power-Up punch boost in, and then the enemy got their chance to retaliate. The enemy Mandibuzz promptly used Swagger against Ripley, and the attack-boosting effect wasn't blocked by the Safeguard; but the Confusion was. So my Kangaskhan, which was already faster than anything the AI had fielded, was now at +4 attack in one turn, had no status, and was primed for sweeping, which she did.

Another; what is with the AI trying to poison/burn its allies? I get trying to set up the Guts boost or some other ability, but half the time it was with Pokémon that don't have Guts, like a Chandelure using Will-O-Wisp against its allied Slowbro. What is this, I don't even...?
Hi guys. I need some help. I was hoping you can tell me what you think of a team I made up for the Battle Maison Super Singles. My longest Strak is 17 (Getting really dissapointed when I see everyone arriving at waaaaaaay longest streaks and I stay there stucked) I only want to arrive at Battle 50. Here it is:
Leader-Persian@Life Orb@Jolly@Technician
-Fake Out (Life Orb+STAB+Technician make Fake Out 100 power Sure flinching move)
-Return (My Persian is at the MAX level of happiness making return a 204 with the STAB and Life Orb damaging move)
-Bite (Bite along with Technician and Life Orb goes up to 120 power with 30% chanse of flinching, used to deal with ghost types that won't take Fake Out or Return)
-Iron Tail (Deals with Rock Types)
Evs: 252 ATK, 252 SPD, 4 HP

Wall-Milotic@Weakness Policy@Calm@Muliscale
-Toxic (Obvious for Walls)
-Haze (To deal with opponents that take advantage of Milotic's role and Power Up)
-Recover (Annoies opponents while they are Burned/Poisoned and lets you stay in battle for long)
-Scald (Chance to Burn Steel and Poison types, deals damage helping the Status Condition work better, after weakness policy deals great ammount of damage)
Evs: 252 HP, 152 DEF, 104 SPDEF

Special Sweeper-Yanmega@Wise Glasses@Modest@Speed Boost
-Protect (Free Speed Boost Turn to deal with normally faster opponents)
-Bug Buzz (Yanmega's strongest move that gains STAB and bonus from Wise Glasses may lower Sp.Def and hits behind a subsitute)
-Air Slash (STAB and Wise Glasses bonus with high chance of flinching)
-Giga Drain (Bonus from Wise Glasses this move is used to drain energy at difficult times and also to deal with Rock Types that Yanmega has x4 weakness)
Evs: 252 SPATK, 252 SPD, 4 HP

So? What do you say? Open for any advice. :D
Team Rocket Fan said:
Hi guys. I need some help. I was hoping you can tell me what you think of a team I made up for the Battle Maison Super Singles. My longest Strak is 17 (Getting really dissapointed when I see everyone arriving at waaaaaaay longest streaks and I stay there stucked) I only want to arrive at Battle 50. Here it is:
Leader-Persian@Life Orb@Jolly@Technician
-Fake Out (Life Orb+STAB+Technician make Fake Out 100 power Sure flinching move)
-Return (My Persian is at the MAX level of happiness making return a 204 with the STAB and Life Orb damaging move)
-Bite (Bite along with Technician and Life Orb goes up to 120 power with 30% chanse of flinching, used to deal with ghost types that won't take Fake Out or Return)
-Iron Tail (Deals with Rock Types)
Evs: 252 ATK, 252 SPD, 4 HP

Wall-Milotic@Weakness Policy@Calm@Muliscale
-Toxic (Obvious for Walls)
-Haze (To deal with opponents that take advantage of Milotic's role and Power Up)
-Recover (Annoies opponents while they are Burned/Poisoned and lets you stay in battle for long)
-Scald (Chance to Burn Steel and Poison types, deals damage helping the Status Condition work better, after weakness policy deals great ammount of damage)
Evs: 252 HP, 152 DEF, 104 SPDEF

Special Sweeper-Yanmega@Wise Glasses@Modest@Speed Boost
-Protect (Free Speed Boost Turn to deal with normally faster opponents)
-Bug Buzz (Yanmega's strongest move that gains STAB and bonus from Wise Glasses may lower Sp.Def and hits behind a subsitute)
-Air Slash (STAB and Wise Glasses bonus with high chance of flinching)
-Giga Drain (Bonus from Wise Glasses this move is used to drain energy at difficult times and also to deal with Rock Types that Yanmega has x4 weakness)
Evs: 252 SPATK, 252 SPD, 4 HP

So? What do you say? Open for any advice. :D

I like the idea of your lead Pokémon. It's a good option and can help you set up. For the Milotic... I'd swap out the Weakness Policy for Leftovers, and get one with a Bold Nature (EV's in HP and Defense, 4 in Sp. Attack) and Give it the moves Rest, Sleep Talk, Ice Beam, and Scald. Rest whenever it takes damage (sleep will also activate Marvel Scale, boosting its defenses) while Sleep Talk allows it to keep attacking. Ice Beam and Scald hit almost anything for at least neutral coverage, allowing you to neutralize almost any threats. Leftovers is to allow for passive HP recovery while Milotic is asleep, and lets it stay alive for far longer.

For your final Pokémon... have you considered a Timid Volcarona instead of Yangmega? With one or two Quiver Dances it reaches sweeping strength, and a boosted Fiery Dance or Bug Buzz will one to two hit KO anything, even types that resist them. The final slot is up to you, but I'd recommend Roost for HP recovery. For an item... perhaps the focus band (band, not sash)? That would allow you a guaranteed Quiver Dance should the enemy outspeed and hit you first, and would set you up nicely to sweep. Later on you can Roost to regain HP and re-activate the band, giving yourself a safety net.
Galaxy Hunter said:
Team Rocket Fan said:
Hi guys. I need some help. I was hoping you can tell me what you think of a team I made up for the Battle Maison Super Singles. My longest Strak is 17 (Getting really dissapointed when I see everyone arriving at waaaaaaay longest streaks and I stay there stucked) I only want to arrive at Battle 50. Here it is:
Leader-Persian@Life Orb@Jolly@Technician
-Fake Out (Life Orb+STAB+Technician make Fake Out 100 power Sure flinching move)
-Return (My Persian is at the MAX level of happiness making return a 204 with the STAB and Life Orb damaging move)
-Bite (Bite along with Technician and Life Orb goes up to 120 power with 30% chanse of flinching, used to deal with ghost types that won't take Fake Out or Return)
-Iron Tail (Deals with Rock Types)
Evs: 252 ATK, 252 SPD, 4 HP

Wall-Milotic@Weakness Policy@Calm@Muliscale
-Toxic (Obvious for Walls)
-Haze (To deal with opponents that take advantage of Milotic's role and Power Up)
-Recover (Annoies opponents while they are Burned/Poisoned and lets you stay in battle for long)
-Scald (Chance to Burn Steel and Poison types, deals damage helping the Status Condition work better, after weakness policy deals great ammount of damage)
Evs: 252 HP, 152 DEF, 104 SPDEF

Special Sweeper-Yanmega@Wise Glasses@Modest@Speed Boost
-Protect (Free Speed Boost Turn to deal with normally faster opponents)
-Bug Buzz (Yanmega's strongest move that gains STAB and bonus from Wise Glasses may lower Sp.Def and hits behind a subsitute)
-Air Slash (STAB and Wise Glasses bonus with high chance of flinching)
-Giga Drain (Bonus from Wise Glasses this move is used to drain energy at difficult times and also to deal with Rock Types that Yanmega has x4 weakness)
Evs: 252 SPATK, 252 SPD, 4 HP

So? What do you say? Open for any advice. :D

I like the idea of your lead Pokémon. It's a good option and can help you set up. For the Milotic... I'd swap out the Weakness Policy for Leftovers, and get one with a Bold Nature (EV's in HP and Defense, 4 in Sp. Attack) and Give it the moves Rest, Sleep Talk, Ice Beam, and Scald. Rest whenever it takes damage (sleep will also activate Marvel Scale, boosting its defenses) while Sleep Talk allows it to keep attacking. Ice Beam and Scald hit almost anything for at least neutral coverage, allowing you to neutralize almost any threats. Leftovers is to allow for passive HP recovery while Milotic is asleep, and lets it stay alive for far longer.

For your final Pokémon... have you considered a Timid Volcarona instead of Yangmega? With one or two Quiver Dances it reaches sweeping strength, and a boosted Fiery Dance or Bug Buzz will one to two hit KO anything, even types that resist them. The final slot is up to you, but I'd recommend Roost for HP recovery. For an item... perhaps the focus band (band, not sash)? That would allow you a guaranteed Quiver Dance should the enemy outspeed and hit you first, and would set you up nicely to sweep. Later on you can Roost to regain HP and re-activate the band, giving yourself a safety net.

I love to hear good words for my leader cause I have to admit he is also my favourite pokemon and indeed preety useful. As for your ideas for Milotic you're right that it must have Bold nature. As for the Rest and Sleep Talk idea, I have to admit it's preety nice with Multiscale but again, what if it uses rest with Sleep Talk? I guess everything has a risk...I'll think about it cause it's indeed brilliant. Also you are right about Volcarona instead of Yanmega. I know Volcarona is a pokemon of great power. But the only thing that lets me out of using her is that....Yanmega's one of my favourites! And it really does great in battle. But I'll think about other Special Attackers as well. Anyway, your ideas are brilliant and I want to thank you very much for the advice!!
By the way, some weird and amusing/annoying moments of my Battle Maison experience were:
One time the only pokemon I had left was my Dustox and the opponent had a Mandibuzz. My moves were: Quiver Dance, Moonlight, Sludge Bomb, Psychic. By the time I sent Dustox in battle Mandibuzz used taunt letting me use only Sludge cause Psychic had no effect on her. It was the longest battle I ever had reaching 45 Mins!!! I finally when she run ot of Roosts while she was poisoned. I was about to make my death struggle and then....Boom! The poison!
Another time I was really annoyied was when a Gengar had it's Hypnosis performed 6 times in a row withought a miss!!!! :C
And also I'll answer why Al was trying to Burn it's ally pokemon. Simple: Cause the battle maison opponents are far too STUPID. One time I had a Delcatty out against a Gengar. I was using Calm Mind for 6 turns while all he was doing were Nightmares, and Dream Eaters. Also another time in Double Battle I had only Yanmega and he had a Nidoqueen. That Nidoqueen had Rock Slide and you know what she kept on doing for two turns? Helping Hand! I'm laughing so hard at those moments. Oh, and something else. Listen to this turn of the opponent: Slaking used Protect, The opposing Chandelure used Will-O-Wisp. The opposing Slaking protected itself. WTF!? How idiotic are they???
I'm going out for Doubles now. Running a ParaFlinch Hax Togekiss and M-Kangaskhan as a lead, with Volcarona and Milotic for backup. So far so good...
I challenge you to try a strategy that doesn't involve Mega Kangaskhan to get to 50. It can be done; I've done it for both doubles and triples. Triples my team was all about abusing rain. Doubles my team was similar to my triples team.
Got an idea for singles (it's incredibly cheap though):

1st Pokemon: Durant @ Focus Sash
Ability: Truant
Move 1: Entrainment
Move 2: Bug Bite
Move 3: Protect
Move 4: Toxic

2nd Pokémon: Volcarona @ Leftovers
Ability: Flame Body
Move 1: Fiery Dance
Move 2: Bug Buzz
Move 3: Quiver Dance
Move 4: Protect

3rd Pokémon: Lucario @ Lucarionite
Ability: Justified/Adaptability
Move 1: Extreme Speed
Move 2: Bullet Punch
Move 3: Swords Dance
Move 4: Brick Break/Close Combat

Basic Idea: Durant leads and Entrainments Truant onto the opponent. Then -depending on the AI, I've seen it switch before- either tries to out-stall the enemy with Toxic and Bug Bite, using Protect to avoid the enemy on the turns it can attack... or switch to the Volcarona and boost with Quiver Dance on the turns the enemy is loafing around, and when you hit +6 in each stat, blast the enemy with Fiery Dance and Bug Buzz. Lucario is your trump card if something goes horribly wrong, and that's why you want Brick Break rather than Close Combat. If you have to pull out Mega Lucario, chances are that you're in dire straits and shouldn't be lowering your defenses.
King Arceus said:
I challenge you to try a strategy that doesn't involve Mega Kangaskhan to get to 50. It can be done; I've done it for both doubles and triples. Triples my team was all about abusing rain. Doubles my team was similar to my triples team.

I'm currently sitting at an unbroken streak of 100 without Kang in Super Doubles. I lead with Garchomp and Aerodactyl with Ferrothorn and Ice Fang Mega Tyranitar in the back. (I know Ice Punch is better but it's a VGC team so it's illegal)

EDIT: disclaimer, the team is good for super doubles but not so much VGC.

PMJ said:
Azumarill@Choice Band
- Play Rough
- Waterfall
- Aqua Jet
- Belly Drum

Wut how did nobody see this.
At the Primeape moveset you'll see / between moves, I need advice for wich one I should use.

Primeape@Life Orb@Deflant@Jolly
252 ATK, 252 SPD, 4 HP
-Close Combat
-Stone Edge/Rock Slide
-Outrage/Poison Jab

Zapdos@Wise Glasses@Pressure@Timid
252 SPATK, 252 SPD, 4 HP
-Air Cutter
-Heat Wave
-Signal Beam

Milotic@Leftovers@Cute Charm@Bold
252 HP, 252 DEF, 4 HP
-Ice Beam

Cinccino@Razor Claw@Skill Link@ Jolly
252 ATK, 252 SPD, 4 HP
-Rock Blast
-Bullet Seed
-Tail Slap
-Knock Off

Espeon@Focus Sash@Magic Bounce@Timid
252 SPATK, 252 SPD, 4 HP
-Shadow Ball
-Dazzling Gleam
-Calm Mind

Venusaur@Venusaurnite@Chlorophyll, Thick Fat@Calm
252 HP, 130 DEF, 126 SPDEF
-Leech Seed
-Sludge Bomb
-Sleep Powder

I'd appreciate any advice! Thanx!
Team Rocket Fan said:
At the Primeape moveset you'll see / between moves, I need advice for wich one I should use.

I'd appreciate any advice! Thanx!

^I'll be a mini-mod (sorry) here and link you to this: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/forum-rate-my-team

For Primeape, Poison Jab and Rock Slide are the better options. In triples, the variance of Outrage is just not that good. Rock Slide is a great multi target move and can get a bunch of flinches which is always nice..
grantm1999 said:
Team Rocket Fan said:
At the Primeape moveset you'll see / between moves, I need advice for wich one I should use.

I'd appreciate any advice! Thanx!

^I'll be a mini-mod (sorry) here and link you to this: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/forum-rate-my-team

For Primeape, Poison Jab and Rock Slide are the better options. In triples, the variance of Outrage is just not that good. Rock Slide is a great multi target move and can get a bunch of flinches which is always nice..

Thanx so much for both giving me this link and helping me with Primeape!!! I'll agree with this. Poison Jab and Rock Slide it is!