Battle of the week

Every other week would seem reasonable, as it is still 2 big battles a month.
@Riskbreakers: I agree becausae otherwise some people like KG will get voted every time.
@Cal: Are you going to come up with the player list or would you rather have it be chosen by members?
It would be preferably recorded, so others can watch it if they missed it. I support, and would like to participate in this.
Riskbreakers said:
Come up with it I say.. That's why I never trust in voting by the general public :p

Yeah... otherwise some people who are actually good won't get voted in.
Like you ^_^

I will probably come up with a list, and get the permission of the people I shortlist to put them in the poll. As for recording the matches, I know it's more than possible for me and I'm pretty sure Pride could do so. It would probably be good for my channel as a whole if I uploaded stuff from this anyhow, so yeah, I'll consider it :p
The Power of Three said:
You can, but keep in mind that not everybody has Platinum, and HG/SS, so if it's on WiFi, we'd be keeping those people from watching.

What I had in mind was that if this battle can be uploaded onto Nintendo wifi, it can also subsequently be uploaded onto youtube by anybody with wifi access and a webcam. The DS also has the advantage of looking a lot nicer than Shoddy's layout, as well as battle animations. Granted not all of our battlers use wifi, but if ever it's feasable, it definitely shouldn't be ignored.
Indeed. There are ups and downs to both sides, for sure.

Sam covers the pluses of Wi-Fi well, so I'll put across the other side since he's already done the selling point :p

The main drawback I see with Wi-Fi, time aside, is the fact that nobody can watch it *live*. That is the main draw for Shoddy - the fact that people can watch the battle as it happens, and literally witness the big plays and tough decisions as they are made. Whilst it doesn't look as pretty, and there's the obvious issue of keeping people quiet enough so that the players can focus properly on the moves, the community aspect of Shoddy is extremely favourable.
I'd really like to see this come to life. It's like live tutoring, in a sense. You can teach people what synergy is, what strategy is, but you will have a physical example this time around, which honestly gets the idea out much better. If we are doing this, is this going to be a vote who vs who or what? And how do we decide who will make for the "epic" matches. :p
I think this is a cool idea, and I think it will help get newer battlers into our competitive discussion. I was thinking we could even have some special battles for holidays and stuff. I'm not sure what we would do for them, but I like that idea.
Flare said:
I think this is a cool idea, and I think it will help get newer battlers into our competitive discussion. I was thinking we could even have some special battles for holidays and stuff. I'm not sure what we would do for them, but I like that idea.
I smell Christmas theme-team :eek: haha That'd also be cool. Although you're kinda force to used Delibird and Stantler in that, it'd be a fun match to watch unfold.
The Assassin said:
I smell Christmas theme-team :eek: haha That'd also be cool. Although you're kinda force to used Delibird and Stantler in that, it'd be a fun match to watch unfold.
Yeah, I was thinking something along those lines. We could also have a Ghost Pokemon battle for Halloween, a battle with teams revolving around Lopunny for Easter, and other stuff. It might sound cheesy, but it will probably be hilarious and entertaining.
Flare said:
Yeah, I was thinking something along those lines. We could also have a Ghost Pokemon battle for Halloween, a battle with teams revolving around Lopunny for Easter, and other stuff. It might sound cheesy, but it will probably be hilarious and entertaining.

Sunflora weakness for Spring time ;]
Sounds fun I totally support this. However on Wi-Fi I don't think they are going to be a lot of people if we do the theme based and stuff because people have to breed and do other things. :/ IMO, Shoddy Battle would be the easiest.