BW/BW2 Battle Subway?

I like the sound of this, I hope there are different trainers each time unlike the boat journeys. These battles better give off exp points. It'll be great for training, it get's old really fast ringing up trainers/using a machine to rebattle people. Plus this way you could get a random selection of pokemon to battle against.
Like others have said, somewhere where you get to battle new trainers everyday. And it would be awesome if it was battle on time XD You know... the train has to stop, and then the battle is over :3
i think the subway is like the ss anne. it takes you to a differnet part of isshu and you battle people on the way. it could also be a new victoy road. it could also be the new vehicle.
does anyone else think the subway's more proof that isshu is nyc?
I find the Battle Subway quite interesting. I'm not so sure on if Isshu is supposed to be based off of NYC, but I do think that either the Battle Subways will transport you to another area of the region, or could be some part of a gym/competition/Battle Frontier. Just rambling on some thoughts.