BW/BW2 Battle trainer sprites LOOK AMERICAN

Do you think the trainer sprites look american?

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I'd be cool if Shikijika evolved into a Moose, eh?

Sadly, this region doesn't look like it's based off Canada...

: (
Did you know that many of the Pokémon made in Generations 1 through 4 are based off Japanese mythological creatures? Now look at Generation 5, one of the Pokémon are supposed to be based off a Native American eagle.
Isshu is so not America. It's Africa! All signs point to it. Isshu has a desert, crocodiles, zebras and one of the characters is negroid. It MUST be Africa! [/sarcasm]

An eagle, a vague resemblance in shape and one trainer sprite don't make it America.
reshiramdude said:
I actually wanted it to be based off somewhere in japan. I think they too should have kept old pokes in. The dream world thing doesn't appeal to me.

what do you not like about the dw? the whole point of the name and features is to make a whole "first game" and "newbie feeling". if its about not wanting change sorry but change has to come. the same routine gets so stale over time.
Pokefan4000 said:
You mean American Football. Outside of the US, football is known as soccer.

Don't you mean inside the US football is known as soccer, and outside the US football is known as football... Sorry, it was just annoying me!

Anyways, so what. Another "America ftw!" thread. Getting boring now. Yes, they look American, so what? If its based on America so what? If its based on Japan so what? does anybody actually care when your in the game? No.
sum1 told me once that american football is called soccer in other countries. i didnt believe it, but if people from out of the US are saying its true then ill just take their word for it
Jayj4 said:
Yeah, they do, do you think they will change them for the UK or other countries?

No, because americans just look just like people from the UK. It's not all top hats and monocles [or insert other stereotypical UK attire] over here, y'know.

this is almost as dumb as the time someone asked me if there was an English accent dubbed over episodes of the simspon's for the UK showings. -___-
s2daam said:
Anyways, so what. Another "America ftw!" thread. Getting boring now. Yes, they look American, so what? If its based on America so what? If its based on Japan so what? does anybody actually care when your in the game? No.

I agree with him it really dosent matter what its based off were not there were in 'Isshu'
Ghostboy said:
No, because americans just look just like people from the UK. It's not all top hats and monocles [or insert other stereotypical UK attire] over here, y'know.

this is almost as dumb as the time someone asked me if there was an English accent dubbed over episodes of the simspon's for the UK showings. -___-
and they change the name of the town to "springshire" instead of springfield
They also look like teens! Hmmm...Maby Nintedo is trying to get American Teens to play...

Just a random question...Whats the bio for?
Considering the fact that a LOT of people think Isshu=New York, not surprising this is something they're going for, too. Look at Victini. It's practically Little Boy in the cutest form possible! Where was Little Boy Made? Exactly.
Yes my hunch was correct!
on my side so far:

Well, she'll keep Darkrai away!
s2daam said:
Don't you mean inside the US football is known as soccer, and outside the US football is known as football... Sorry, it was just annoying me!

Anyways, so what. Another "America ftw!" thread. Getting boring now. Yes, they look American, so what? If its based on America so what? If its based on Japan so what? does anybody actually care when your in the game? No.

WRONG. I'd care. :p
Ikriolu said:
Yes my hunch was correct!
on my side so far:

Well, she'll keep Darkrai away!

Can you like stay on topic also yeah like i said before it doesn't have to be america it could just be adding american characters to the game.
ManhattanTheStarr said:
Zomg, I'm in B/W? Coolaid. :B

ANYWAYS, I agree on the trainers looking a bit more "Americanized" this time around. The football players is an obvious smack in the face telling you Game Freak is trying to appeal more to their American fans. I find it kind of exciting, really. I love the football players, and I agree on them using Fighting-type Pokemom. The Machop family would fit them the best, but considering there's no previous generation Pokemon in B/W, that's not gonna happen. =/

The only thing they 'Americanized' were the football players and the players look exactly the same as before, not only American but also European. Game Freak aren't 'appealing' to their American fans they just thought they would do something else for a change. (If it is based off America.) Americans are just getting arrogant that they think that Game Freak 'picked' them and it is really annoying because they're boasting about it.
The only American looking person in BW is the handegg player.
If you think about it, no trainers really look like anything.... Miniskirt, Bug Catcher, Ranger.... They just look... anime o.0
If that makes sense... haha

Not sure why, but Handsome always reminds me of Gumshoe from Phoenix Wright... (Random note)
they all look like anime nothing more or less to me. if you live in america anything like that seems american to you. also why does it matter? no one here lives in isshu so why talk about what its based on?

and not all americans are being boastfully blind. i was born in america and live there not isshu. i dont even think its based off the us