Wi-Fi Trades Bazinga001's My Player Thread


White 2 Friendcode:0949-0073-2739 Name: Ian
Black Friendcode: 4985-6873-2381 Name: Chris
Mah 3Dis FC: 0387-8852-9763 Name: Currently Ian Miller


All starter pokemon: No evolutions but all availible in first form

Legendariy Pokemon: Please ask. I have a lot of extras.

Legit Shinies

Can catch anything you may want or I may already have it. Please ask!

From other worldwide places:
Samurott (Japan)
Amparos (Japan)
Tynamo (Japan)
Latios (Japan)
Metagross (Japan)
Grumpig (Japan)
Throh (Japan)
Altaria (Japan)

Every Pokemon is in my pokemon white 2 version.
Note: I will trade you swablu for anything. I don't care if you trade me something worthless. I have too many swablu.
Also: I can infect most pokemon with pokerus if you want me to. Just ask!

Want: Anything to complete my national pokedex, any cool (real) shinies. Just make an offer. If you ask about something I will tell you levels, stats, nature, ect.
Also want any event pokemon obtained exclusivley at the World Championships. Don't care if they're cloned. Kyogre is a high priority.

X/Y Update!
IV breeding now going on!
Gibles with as many as 5 perfect IVs now available!

Completed Trades:
Ka$h Money
Hi, are your event Raikou, Entei and Suicine UT? If so, can you check my thread for what you'd like for them.

I will also clone the Pokemon you send me and will then return them meaning you wont actually trade them away.
Can i have the liepard? I can get you like five or more dex fillers for it just tell me how many and which pokemon you would like
jorge565 said:
Can i have the liepard? I can get you like five or more dex fillers for it just tell me how many and which pokemon you would like

I can trade liepard, but in exchange I need some legendary dex fillers (no event legendaries though)
Do you happen to have the Dream World Tyranitar event? Thanks XD.:)
ALL starters, you say? Sweet! I've been wondering how I'm going to get a legit Chikorita, and I guess you're the answer. What do you want for one? Also, please note that I do NOT want any that you think may have been cloned.
Oh, yeah, one more thing: I'm not going to be available until Saturday. Sorry for the inconvenience.