Welcome to the home of 'The Beach', the (hopefully) monthly magazine about
First off I don't want any negativity from
Here are the roles:
Editor in Chief - Ice Espeon
Sub-Editor - Shining Raikou
Cover Art - shaymin707
How to draw _(insert Pokémon here)_ - Vacant
Summary of Pokémon news from the month - Blue Thunder and Meaty
Pokémon of the Month - TheDarkLucario
Character of the Month - Sin Raven
TCG Article Writer - Gliscor
TCG Deck Garage - dmaster
Redshark Match (accepts a random request for a battle each month and must provide a battle report. If they lose, the person who beat them takes up the role) - Vacant
VG Article Writers - Cal and Pride
VG Rate My team - PDC
Shoddy Match (same as Redshark Match) - Vacant
Latest anime episode review - Jirachinik
Pokémon Movie Review - Decmaster
Miscelaneous Movie Review (can be more than one person as I understand that some people can't afford to or don't have time) -Cool kid master, TSL, Juliacoolo
Pokémon Game Review (again can be more than one person) - TheFudgehogGuy, SinnohTrainer17
Miscelaneous Game Review (again can be more than one person) - Gale, Bippa
Puzzles, Riddles, Crosswords and stuff (many places) - Guy89
Fan Fiction - Writer's Haven
Design a Monster Judge (People will submit their own creations and the three judges will decide the top 3.) - The Flying Swampert, Aggiegwyn, The Flaming Ho-oh,
Hints, tips and tricks (Helpful bits of info eg Safari Zone) - PMJ
Programmer - Charizard88
Red is a role that hasn't been filled
Blue is a role that has been filled
Note to those wanting to take up a role: Be active.
We'll go with one role at a time for the moment. You will all be assesed for how good the quality of your stuff is and if it is not up to scrath I may have to replace you. Just say if you can't continue your role and we'll sort something out.
If you have any ideas or would like to take up a role, please feel free to post here in this thread. Don't be negative