Beach Magazine

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Ice Espeon


Welcome to the home of 'The Beach', the (hopefully) monthly magazine about Muffins Pokémon.

First off I don't want any negativity from Gale people especially you Gale, saying things like, 'this will neva work :p it rubish', or, 'this is so stupid i think it will dei in liek 3 sesconds lol'. Just no Gale.

Here are the roles:

Editor in Chief - Ice Espeon
Sub-Editor - Shining Raikou
Cover Art - shaymin707
How to draw _(insert Pokémon here)_ - Vacant
Summary of Pokémon news from the month - Blue Thunder and Meaty
Pokémon of the Month - TheDarkLucario
Character of the Month - Sin Raven
TCG Article Writer - Gliscor
TCG Deck Garage - dmaster
Redshark Match (accepts a random request for a battle each month and must provide a battle report. If they lose, the person who beat them takes up the role) - Vacant
VG Article Writers - Cal and Pride
VG Rate My team - PDC
Shoddy Match (same as Redshark Match) - Vacant
Latest anime episode review - Jirachinik
Pokémon Movie Review - Decmaster
Miscelaneous Movie Review (can be more than one person as I understand that some people can't afford to or don't have time) -Cool kid master, TSL, Juliacoolo
Pokémon Game Review (again can be more than one person) - TheFudgehogGuy, SinnohTrainer17
Miscelaneous Game Review (again can be more than one person) - Gale, Bippa
Puzzles, Riddles, Crosswords and stuff (many places) - Guy89
Fan Fiction - Writer's Haven
Design a Monster Judge (People will submit their own creations and the three judges will decide the top 3.) - The Flying Swampert, Aggiegwyn, The Flaming Ho-oh,
Hints, tips and tricks (Helpful bits of info eg Safari Zone) - PMJ
Programmer - Charizard88

Red is a role that hasn't been filled
Blue is a role that has been filled

Note to those wanting to take up a role: Be active.

We'll go with one role at a time for the moment. You will all be assesed for how good the quality of your stuff is and if it is not up to scrath I may have to replace you. Just say if you can't continue your role and we'll sort something out.

If you have any ideas or would like to take up a role, please feel free to post here in this thread. Don't be negative Gale.
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

I'll do the Miscelaneous Movie Review.
( don't expect ANYTHING higher than pg-13. pg works best with me.
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

I'm pretty active, and I also have been rating alot of teams often. So, i'll do the VG Team rater. I'll also maybe do charater of the month. Maybe. Also, Gale, stop trolling this thread >:O
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

arn't all these things easily found in the forums or main sight? this will die in like 3 seconds :p, and it's not gunna work any questions why not mate just pm meh
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

Most aren't. This will be more directed. If two of the same people want a review then they can just look here. Also, it's much more fun.
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

well i just wanted to mimic this gale the main author seems to hate :p lol
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

I don't hate Gale, I was just writing playfully. To you^ bad boi. You need to change your attitude otherwise your not allowed here.

PDC, I'll put you up. I think we'll have one role per person at the moment, so just stick with that. I'm not putting you up coolkid because you haven't been very active recently
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

Behave and keep on topic everyone.

I can definitely do fanfiction. What are you asking for: one-shot reads for entertainment?
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

btw, what does my role exactly do? Just rate teams that show up? Or rate teams in the magazine that we put in?
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

I'll do Pokémon Game Review, Pokémon of the Month, and Summary of Pokémon news from the month
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

Is the format of this going to be done like The Smog?
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

^One role at a time. I'll put you in for Pokémon of the month (providing the first one is NOT Lucario.) With this, give details and interesting facts about the Pokémon you choose.

@PDC, After the roles are decided, we'll get onto asking for people to submit their teams, Redshark details, Shoddy details and stuff and then I will use to determine which to select for the magazine.

@Zyflair, I'm looking for a series with just a chapter installment each month. Not too long, not to short. I'll put you down.

You will all be assesed for how good the quality of your stuff is and if it is not up to scrath I may have to replace you. Just say if you can't continue your role and we'll sort something out.

Added 2 new roles.

EDIT: To Limitless, not entirely.
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

will it be a monthly magzazine or weekly one
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

Oh cool, I'll start on Pokemon of the month now! I got a good idea on what to do :D (It's not lucario, if that's what your thinking, I'm not going to do my favorite haha)
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!


Ice Espeon said:
Welcome to the home of 'The Beach', the monthly magazine about Pokémon

RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

I may be interested in working in the deck garage section for the magazine. I wish to know, what precisely are the specifics of the job?
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

No offense, but I'd prefer to have someone that was more experienced on the foums in the role.

EDIT: Pokechamp is a ninja :O

Basically like the RMT I explained earlier but you would have to fix their list and give reasons why and stuff.
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

OMG i am dumb thanks Ice Espeon that becomes the one that never reads Bold Letters -_-'
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

Ice Espeon said:
No offense, but I'd prefer to have someone that was more experienced on the foums in the role.

EDIT: Pokechamp is a ninja :O

Basically like the RMT I explained earlier but you would have to fix their list and give reasons why and stuff.

Okay, sounds cool. If you're okay with it, I'll take that position. I will warn you I am technically retired, but I'm keeping up with the game and I would still be able to provide ample knowledge on the subject.
RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content!

That's fine PC. I know how experienced you are with articles :]

Wow, I'm really happy about the amount of responses this is getting. Try contacting people politely and telling them about this and a role they may be good at.
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