beat and be beated

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Queen, pwn it with Aerial Ace!

tehkingdra said:
Ex Dragon18 said:
Queen, pwn it with Thunder Punch![/align]

Just so you know, a Thunderpunch from a Nidoqueen with max Special Attack can't kill a Suicune in one hit, even against one with no Special defense or HP EVs and a Sp. defense reducing nature, not even with a critical hit.

So yeah.

So anyways, Alakazam kills that Nidoqueen with Psychic.

Shock Wave then -_-"
Other Queen, pwn That Donphan with Ice Punch!

PS: Rollout isnt Super Effective to Queen. its Poisen/GROUND
Ex Dragon18 said:
Queen, pwn it with Aerial Ace!

tehkingdra said:
Ex Dragon18 said:
Queen, pwn it with Thunder Punch![/align]

Just so you know, a Thunderpunch from a Nidoqueen with max Special Attack can't kill a Suicune in one hit, even against one with no Special defense or HP EVs and a Sp. defense reducing nature, not even with a critical hit.

So yeah.

So anyways, Alakazam kills that Nidoqueen with Psychic.

Shock Wave then -_-"

That does even less :( It needs a Thunderbolt to even have a chance


Omastar, Surf.

Queen got pwned.
GO Caterpie!

"Caterpie looks at Omastar screams at its horrible uglyness and jumps back into its pokeball"

Okay then, GO Bellosom use Petal Dance!

"Omastar is defeated and everyone is happy to not have to see its horrible uglyness anymore"
Go Dotaitos!
Dotaitos use Leaf Storm!
It's super effective!
Omastar is no longer able to battle Dotaitos wins!
Queen, pwn that Jap thingey with Fire Punch

tehkingdra, Horn Drill Should do it then (yes, it hits =})
Fire Punch= NVE. Fire is NVE against ground. Last time I looked...

I think we're treating everything as they have Wonder guard, and that all SE hits do something like 4x damage or something.

Go! Lanturn!
Lanturn uses Hydro Pump!
It's super effective (again)!
NIdoqueen fainted!
Go Charizard *
Charizard * use Fissure!
It's super effective.
Lanturn is unable to battle.
Charizard * wins!
Go Kyogre *
Kyogre * uses: Water Spout.
It's super effective.
Tyranny is no longer able to battle....
Kyogre wins.
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