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Standard Beautifly / Miltank


The bird and the nymph-dog-thingy belong to me
Hi guys
So, I was at my local league yesterday, and I played against this Beautifly deck with miltank, and got destroyed. I then decided to make my own version of that deck, so here it is:

  • 4 Miltank FLF
  • 4 Wurmple ROS
  • 4 Silcoon ROS
  • 4 Beautifly ROS
  • 4 Professor Birch's Observation
  • 2 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Steven
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 4 Forest of Giant Plants
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 Level Ball
  • 2 Evosoda
  • 4 Trainers' Mail
  • 2 VS Seeker
  • 4 Muscle Band
  • 6 Grass Energy
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy

The tactic is to use FGP to get a turn one/two powerful friends off, and then stall for the rest of the game with beautifly. I decided to run Evosoda over Shaymin as I believe it is more efficient in this deck
Please leave your suggestions,
I have a deck similar to this, it works really well against Water type EX's and Night March and if you get it set up fast enough it's good against nearly all EX's as well. Problem is it doesn't do well against non- EX decks so if you know a bunch of your opponents aren't using EX's don't play this deck. Also a sacred ash and 8 or 7 grass energies could help a lot.
I'd suggest the following deck changes for your consideration:

-2 Steven - not critical, IMO
-1 Evosoda - although helpful in getting your Beautiflys setup fast, your 4-4 Level-Ultra Balls are too
-2 Trainer's Mail - 2 should be sufficient, IMO, with improved card draw capability

+2 Professor Sycamore - still the best card-draw Supporter in the game, IMO (or consider Tierno if you prefer)
+1 Professor's Letter - helps search for basic energy
+1 VS Seeker
+1 G energy (or Float Stone / Switch - to help easily bench your Active)

I hope you find these comments helpful.
It's funny, because this was my first deck coming back in to this game. I thought I was really clever because I had yet to see a single post about it when I had made it a couple months or so ago. Now, I see it all the time. Woe is me.
Sycamore and Tierno can be played, but one of them needs to be played at 4. The hand advantage is crucial in Forest of Giant Plants deck and this is obviously that. Professor's Letter is also important as a 1-of; You need Energy, especially on a whim. Besides that and obvious staples, the deck can take many paths: Energy Denial, Giovanni's Scheme as a 3-4 of (extra damage/hand refill), etc. Overall, you're heading in the right direction. Keep it up!