Wi-Fi Trades Beautiful Lie's Player Thread

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Beautiful Lies

Aspiring Trainer
My Information
Friend Code:(Plat.)1076 3736 1992
Contact: Here, PM.
Will be updated later.

My offers[/size=small]
Not only am I having shop set up here I will also offer the same shop in the Community thread and many other sites around the web.
I am only interested in events.

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Not for trade.[/div]

Japanese DS Events

Birthday Events (Looking for all years, Pikachu, and any with the date Feb. 21.
PC Tokyo Charmander- 09129 / ナゴヤ / Mild Level 40 / Dec. 25, 2007/ Often lost in though.
PC Nagoya Chimchar- 07207 / トウキョ- / Mild Level 40 / Nov. 10, 2009 / A little quick tempered.

Eigakan (Movie) Events (Crown Events in reserve!)

Eigakan Arceus - 07147 / えいがかん / Calm Level 100 / Feb. 3, 2010 / Likes to thrash about.
Tenimura Regigigas - 07198 / テンイむら / Naughty Level 100 / Jul. 23, 2008 / Highly curious.
Shokotan Pichu - 06199 / しょこたん / Jolly Level 30 / Jun. 19, 2009 / A little quick tempered.

Saikyou Events (Complete - Looking for more characteristics.)

Saikyou Electivire - 11157 / さいきょう / Serious Level 50 / Niv. 17, 2007 / Often dozes off.
Saikyou Magmortar - 12017 / さいきょう / Hardy Level 50 / Dec. 14, 2007 / Strong willed.
Saikyou Milotic - 12157 / さいきょう / Bold Level 50 / Dec. 20,2007 / Strong willed
Saikyou Dragonite - 01158 / さいきょう / Mild Level 50 / Jan. 15, 2008 / Highly persistent.
Saikyou Salamence - 02158 / さいきょう / Naughty Level 50 / Feb. 15, 2008 / Capable of taking hits.

Palcity Events(Complete) Looking for more dates and locations.
PalCity Mew - 07157 / パルシティ / Quirky Level 50 / Aug. 31, 2007 / Hates to lose.
PalCity Lucario - 07157 / PALCITY / Modest Level 50 / Jul. 15th, 2007 / Proud of its power.
PalCity Manaphy - 07157 / パルシティ / Hardy Level 50 / Jul. 15th, 2007 / Often scatters things.

Japanese Ranger Events (Looking for Attack Forme Deoxys and Shaymin, Kyle's Riolu and Manaphy Eggs.)
Ranger 3 Deoxys (Missing Attack Forme) - 03060 / オブリビア / Quiet,Calm,Brave Lv. 50 / Mar. 17, 2010, Mar. 17, 2010, Mar. 10, 2010 / Loves to eat, highly curious, somewhat stubborn.
Ranger 3 Heatran - 03060 / オブリビア / Quiet Level 50 / Mar. 17, 2010 / Capable of taking hits.

Japanese Ranch Visitor Events (Looking for the other three.)
Red-hakase Metagross - 02109 / レッド / Brave Level 62 / Feb. 14, 2009 / Often lost in though.
Akiyama Slaking - 01069/ あきやま / Adamant Level 50 / Jan. 6, 2009 / Quick tempered.

Other Events
Ario Pikachu - 11219 / アュオ / Bashful Level 20 / Nov. 21. 2009 / Highly curious.
Susumu Mew - 11219 / ススム / Bashful Level 5 / Feb. 1, 2010 / Quick tempered.
WCS Eevee - 01110 / WCS / Hardy Level 50 / Jan. 11, 2010 / Likes to run.
Red and Green 12th Anniversary Pichu Egg - It appears to move occasionally. It may be close to hatching.

Japanese GBA Events:

Coluseum (Looking for the rest.)

Ageto Celebi - 31121 / アゲト / Calm Level 10 / Oct. 24, 2006 / Sturdy body.

PokePark (Looking for the rest.)
Encore Cacnea - 04325 / (Japanese) / Hasty Level 5 / Mar. 17, 2008 / Likes to thrash about.
FeatherDance Tailow - 30311 / (Japanese) / Impish Level 5 / Dec. 10, 2006 / Quick to flea.
Follow Me Pichu - 35680 / (Japanese) / Calm Level 5 / Aug. 26, 2009 / Somewhat Stubborn.

Pokemon Center Japan (Looking for the other Egg Move Pokemon)
Wish Pichu - 56452 / (Japanese) / Lonely Level 5 / Oct. 29, 2008 / Likes to thrash about.
Wish Absol - 56452 / (Japanese) / Lonely Level 5 / Oct. 29, 2008 / Sturdy body.
Wish Bagon - 56452 / (Japanese) / Quirky Level 5 / Oct. 29, 2008 / Scatters things often.
Wish Ralts - 56452 / (Japanese) / Hardy Level 5 / Oct. 29, 2008 / Alert to sounds.

Hadou Events (Looking for the Regi's and a Shiny Hadou Mew...)
Hadou Mew - 50716 / ハドウ/ Hardy Level 10 / Dec. 26, 2006 / Often Scatters things.

Gotta Catch 'Em All Week One (Looking for Torchic and other OTs.)
Mudkip - 51126 / トウキョ- / Bashful Level 10 / Feb. 26, 2007 / Loves to eat.

Treecko - 51126 / ナゴヤ / Mild Level 10 / Feb. 10, 2007 / Very finicky.

Gotta Catch 'Em All Week Two (Looking for Cyndaquil and Croconaw along with other OTs.)
Chikorita - 51224 / トウキョ- / Serious Level 10 / Jul. 4, 2007 / Very finicky.

Gotta Catch 'Em All Week Three(Looking for practically all of them.)

Ekans - 60114 / サッポロ / Gentle Level 10 / Nov. 12, 2006 /Alert to sounds.

Gotta Catch 'Em All Week Six (Looking for pracically all of them.)

Wobbuffet - 60505 / ヨコハマ / Hardy Level 10 / Oct. 22, 2006 / Mischevious.

US DS Events:

Toys R Us (Complete)
TRU Manaphy - 09297 / TRU / Quirky Level 50 / Apr. 1, 2010 / Often dozes off.
TRU Dragonite - 11088 / TRU / Mild Level 50 / Nov.13, 2008 / turdy body.
TRU Shaymin - 02089 / TRU / Feb. 8, 2009 Level 50 / -Date- / Proud of power
TRU Regigigas - 03089 / TRU / Jolly Level 100 / Mar. 17, 2009 / Good perserverance.
TRU Arceus - 11079 / TRU / Bashful Level 100 / Nov. 11, 2009 / Mischevious.
Alamos Darkrai - 05318 / TRU / Naughty Level 50 / May, 31, 2008 / Sturdy body.

United States Battle Revolution Events (Electivire!)
Pokemon Battle Revolution Magmortar - 06257 / PKTOPIA / Modest Level 50 / Mar. 27, 2010 / Good perserverance.
Pokemon Battle Revolution Pikachu - 06257 / PKTOPIA / Modest Level 10 / Mar. 12, 2010 / Likes to thrash about.

Gamestop Events (Complete)

Gamestop Deoxys - 06218 / Gamestp / Rash Level 50 / Jun. 21, 2008 / Good perserverance.
Pikachu-Colored Pichu Pichu - 01300 / GAMESTP / Jolly Level 30 / Feb. 14, 2010 / Likes to run.
Gamestop Jirachi - 02270 / GAMESTP /Quirky Level 5 / Feb. 28, 2010 / Often lost in thoughts.

VGC and TGC Events (Need Video Game Championship Eevee and TCG Pikachu)

Video Game Championship 2009 Milotic - 05099 / VGC09 / Timid Level 50 / May 20, 2009 / Good endurance.
World 2009 Weavile - 08159 / WORLD09 / Jolly Level 30 / Aug. 15, 2009 / A little quick tempered.
World 2008 Lucario - 08178 / WORLD08 / Adamant Level 30 / Aig. 17, 2008 / Often dozes off.

Pokemon Ranger Events (Farther away from hatching eggs and Kyle's Riolu.)
Ranger Manaphy Egg - 'Sounds can be heard coming from inside! It will hatch soon!'

Other Events
NWS Manaphy - 10017 / NWS / Serious Level 50 / Oct. 29, 2007 / Strong willed.

US GBA Events:

Pokemon Center New York - Poemon Box Promo Events (Looking for Seviper.)
Pokemon Box Promo Absol - 00167 / PCNYc / Careful Level 35 /Aug. 19, 2007/ A little quick tempered.
Pokemon Box Promo Flygon - 00077 / PCNYd / Modest Level 45 / Jun. 7, 2007 / Impetious and silly.

Pokemon Center New York - Christmas Giveaway Events (Looking for Zangoose and Kingdra.)

Christmas Seviper - 00200 / PCNYd / Naive Level 18 / May 31, 2007 / Often dozes off.

Christmas Milotic - 00207 / PCNYd / Timid Level 35 / May 31, 2007 / Often lost in thought.

Pokemon Center New York - Monster Week Two (Looking for Aggron, Crawdaunt, and Wailord, Level 50 and 100.)

Monster Exploud - 00605 / PCNYc / Naughty Level 50 / Jul. 3, 2007 / Quick to flee.

Pokemon Box - Ruby and Saphire (Looking for Pichu and Swablu.)

Extremespeed Zigzagoon - 36621 / Aura / Adamant Level 5 / Mar. 31, 2008 / Somewhat stubborn.
Pay Day Skitty - 39111 / CALVIN / Jolly Level 5 / Nov. 24, 2008 / Scatter things often.

Berry Fix Zigzagoons Events (Looking for Ruby and other Languages.)
Sapphire Zigzagoon - 30317 / SAPHIRE / Sassy Level 5 / May 30, 2007 / Strong willed.

Pokemon Journey Across America Tour Events (Looking for Bulbasuar, Blastoise, Articuno, Moltres, Dragonite, Umbreon, Latias, Absol, Blaziken, Tyranitar, Suicune, Raikou and Entei.)

10 ANIV Alakazam - 00010 / 10 ANIV / Modest Level 70 / Apr. 6, 2008 / Scatters things often.
10 ANIV Celebi - 00010 / 10 ANIV / Hardy Level 70 / Sep. 12, 2008 / Mischevious.
10 Aniv Zapdos - 00010 / 10 ANIV / Quiet Level 70 / Jun. 9, 2007 / Somewhat vain.
10 ANIV Charizard - 00010 / 10 ANIV / Brave Level 70 / Jun. 19, 2008 / Somewhat stubborn.
10 ANIV Typhlosion - 00010 / 10 ANIV / Timid Level 70 / Aug. 16 2007 / Likes to fight.
10 ANIV Pikachu - 00010 / 10 ANIV / Brave Level 70 / Oct. 28, 2007 / Capable of taking hits.
10 ANIV Latios - 00010 / 10 ANIV / Modest Level 70 / Jan. 18, 2007 / Proud of its power.
10 ANIV Espeon - 00010 / 10 ANIV / Hasty Level 70 / Jun. 2, 2007 / Somewhat of a clown.

Pokemon Journey Across America Tour Events (Looking for just about all.)
10 ANIV Latias - 06808 / 10 ANIV / Relaxed Level 70 / Feb. 22, 2008 / Alert to sounds.
10 ANIV Tyranitar - 06808 / 10 ANIV / Impish Level 70 / Oct. 4, 2007 / Often dozes off.

United States Wish Events (Seeking all the other Egg Move.)
Wish and Heal Bell Lickingtung - 10628 / SECURE/ Careful Level 5/ May 4, 2008 / Likes to relax.

Space Center Events (Complete)

Space Center Deoxys - 00010 / SPACE C / Impish Level 70 / Jun. 19, 2007 / Quick to flee.

Other Events (Seeking Hayley Mew)

Rocks Metang - 02005 / ROCKS / Impish Level 50 / Jun. 4, 2007 / Quick tempered.

European Events:

United Kingdom Top 10 Distribution (Looking for the rest and all other European Language)
10ANNIV Entei - 06227 / 10ANNIV / Naughty Level 70 / Aug. 22, 2007 / Impetious and silly.
10ANNIV Ho-oh - 06227 / 10ANNIV / Quirky Level 70 / Apr. 4, 2009 / Quick tempered.

Korean Events:

Nintendo of Korea (NoK) Events (Complete)
NoK Rayquaza - 05318 / 한국닌텐도 / -Nature- Level 70 / -Date- / -Characteristic-
NoK Darkrai - 11088 / 한국닌텐도 / Careful Level 50 / Nov. 9, 2008 / Somewhat stuborn.
NoK Mew - 03219 / 한국닌텐도 / Careful Level 50 / Mar. 21, 2009 / Strongly defiant.
NoK Manaphy - 03298 / 한국닌텐도 / Docile Level 1 / Mar. 29, 20008 / Proud of its power.
NoK Regigigas - 06209 / 한국닌텐도 / Jolly Level 100 / Jun. 20, 2009 / Scatters things often.
NoK Jirachi - 01300 / 한국닌텐도 / Timid Level 5 / Jan. 30, 2010 / Somewhat vain.

Character Fair Events and Other Events (Need Munchlax, Feebas, and Character Fair Shaymin.)
Character Fair Pikachu - 07249 / 캐릭터페어 / Brave Level 30 / Jul. 24, 2009 / Often dozes off.
Battle Series 2009 Arcanine - 06069 / 배틀시리즈 / Adamant Level 50 / Jun. 6, 2009 / Often scatters things.
Cinema Arceus - 12249 / 영화관 / Lonely Level 100 / De. 24, 2009 / Quick to flee.
Mikena Pichu - 12179 / 미케나 / Jolly Level 30 / Dec. 18, 2009 / Likes to run.
Time Square Shaymin - 05010 / 타임스퀘어 / Quirky Level 30/ May 1, 2010 / Happily eats anything.

Pikachu Cafe (Complete)
Pikachu Cafe Magmortar - 06298 / 피카츄카페 / Hardy Level 50 /
Pikachu Cafe Electivire - 06298 / 피카츄카페 / Serious Level 50 /
Pikachu Cafe Tangrowth - 10038 / 피카츄카페 / Brave Level 50 /
What events do you have? Could you update your thread so I can see what you have for trade? Seems like you have a lot of awesome events but I need to see what you have. Thanks.:) EDIT: Also as long as you have my FC's in your DS and I have yours all you have to do is come on Wi-Fi when you can and we can still do our trades and VC when I am not on the computer. Just because I am not on the computer does not mean I can't trade. It means I am only on Wi-Fi. If I am not on at anytime it is because I am either gone somewhere or I am getting my daily events and the Underground done on Platinum but usually after that I am on Wi-Fi for the rest of the day. Be sure to check Wi-Fi often. I need your FC for my Platinum because I use that more than Diamond XD. Thanks.:)
What do you want for your Wish Bagon and Wish Ralts? I know they are NFT's but I would like to make an offer Anyway. How about my Christy Haracross and GTS Psyduck ID 53437. I have checked these 2 and they are legit. I will be more than happy to do thess for your 2 events if you want them. Thanks.:)
I have PC Tokyo Charmander (2009), Hayley Mew, Pokemon Journey Across America Absol (ID:00010), Poke Festa Electabuzz, PokePark Surskit, and Shiny Hadou Mew

When you say, "Looking for other three" for the Japanese Ranch Visitor Event, do you mean the Octillery and Flygon? (and whatever the third is)
If you do mean those, I have the Golgo Octillery and Baba Flygon.

I also have all Crown Event Dogs and Goon's Scizor if your interested. I have more then one Crown dog so I have a couple of different characteristics.
Hello, CML for:

Ranger 3 Deoxys (Missing Attack Forme) - 03060 / オブリビア / Quiet,Calm,Brave Lv. 50 / Mar. 17, 2010, Mar. 17, 2010, Mar. 10, 2010 / Loves to eat, highly curious, somewhat stubborn. (the 3 of them)

Ranger 3 Heatran - 03060 / オブリビア / Quiet Level 50 / Mar. 17, 2010 / Capable of taking hits.

Encore Cacnea - 04325 / (Japanese) / Hasty Level 5 / Mar. 17, 2008 / Likes to thrash about.

FeatherDance Tailow - 30311 / (Japanese) / Impish Level 5 / Dec. 10, 2006 / Quick to flee.

Follow Me Pichu - 35680 / (Japanese) / Calm Level 5 / Aug. 26, 2009 / Somewhat Stubborn.

Wish and Heal Bell Lickingtung - 10628 / SECURE/ Careful Level 5/ May 4, 2008 / Likes to relax.
hey i am really interested in your time square shaymin i am willing to offer multiple events do the rarity of the shaymin


so let me know thank you
Is your Shiny Hadou Mew legit? I doubt it.

I don't really see anything I am interested in...

This is REPOBSESSED. You have beem ignoring my PMs. :3

-.- Leave...
Im interested in:

World 2009 Weavile - 08159 / WORLD09 / Jolly Level 30 / Aug. 15, 2009 / A little quick tempered.
World 2008 Lucario - 08178 / WORLD08 / Adamant Level 30 / Aig. 17, 2008 / Often dozes off.
10 ANIV Typhlosion - 00010 / 10 ANIV / Timid Level 70 / Aug. 16 2007 / Likes to fight.
10 ANIV Latios - 00010 / 10 ANIV / Modest Level 70 / Jan. 18, 2007 / Proud of its power.
10 ANIV Espeon - 00010 / 10 ANIV / Hasty Level 70 / Jun. 2, 2007 / Somewhat of a clown.
Rocks Metang - 02005 / ROCKS / Impish Level 50 / Jun. 4, 2007 / Quick tempered.
Guys I think she has left the Building or left the boards XD. LOL She is on a couple of my other boards so I will ask her though.:)
Beautiful Lies said:
For the last time ash 'her' is a 'him.'
I am here.

What When we VC it was a Female voice. At least that is what it sounded like on the mic. Sorry for the mixup XD.:( There are a few other males that I know that sound like a female Ususally someone with the Screen name with Beautiful in it means female. Usually but not always. Anyway. Sorry.:(
Maybe so. Characteristics? US or European?

I know, I sound like a girl.
But at a concert the lead singer said Beautiful Lies and I thought it was great. I don't know why.
I don't think my Shiny Hadou Mew is legit : /

But I do have foreign Summer 2010 Jirachis and foreign VGC10 Eevees. I also have a French 10 Aniv Charizard.
Beautiful Lies said:
Maybe so. Characteristics? US or European?

I know, I sound like a girl.
But at a concert the lead singer said Beautiful Lies and I thought it was great. I don't know why.

It sound like a deep female voice. Sounds like a brunet XD. No Offense to you though:)
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